Monday, 03 October 2022
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Planned Shipping Handling Units during Picking

Cartonization Planning (CAP )


This document will guide how the Cartonization Planning tool results in SAP. There is no business process include in this document, Its just Transactional Overviews in SAP.

Cartonization is the process of evaluating the contents of an order to determine the number and size of each shipping carton required for the order. Cartonization normally requires dimensional information (weight, height, length, and width) for each item.

Cartonization planning to improve the creation of shipping handling units (HUs) based on information from product master data and outbound delivery orders, such as quantities, volume, and weight.

Cartonization planning results in the creation of planned shipping handling units (PSHUs) that you can use as templates for creating shipping HUs during picking or packing.

A PSHU is an object similar to a shipping HU, describing a packaging material and the items it contains. In contrast to a shipping HU, a PSHU does not physically exist in the warehouse and is only used to plan shipping HUs.

The system uses PSHUs as a template for creating shipping HUs during either picking or packing

                         Picking with Cartonization Planning

PSHUs can be created manually and automatically in cartonization planning.

Automatic  PSHUs:

Automatic cartonization planning uses algorithms to create PSHUs. Algorithms are defined as implementations of the Business-Add In BAdI: Cartonization Planning Algorithm.

Process-1: Cartonization Planning During Picking


Automatic cartonization planning to have the system create planned shipping handling units (PSHUs) for pick-warehouse tasks (WTs) during warehouse order (WO) creation. In Picking cartonization planning, the system can use planned shipping handling units (PSHUs) as templates for creating pick-HUs, which you can then use as shipping Hus.

Case 2: Manually Creation PSHUs

SAP EASY Access Extended Warehouse Management Work Scheduling Cartonization Planning Maintain Planned Shipping Handling Units

/SCWM/CAP - Maintain Planned Shipping Handling Units


This above PSHU will behave as template tocreate WT Pick HU during WOCR.

Log after creation of WO:

Case 3: Cartonization Planning for Outbound Delivery Orders ( Picking )

To start cartonization planning for outbound delivery orders, execute the transaction on the SAP Easy Accessscreen under  Extended Warehouse Management Work Scheduling Cartonization Planning Cartonization Planning for Outbound Delivery Order  or schedule the report  /SCWM/R_CAP_BACKGROUND.

/SCWM/CAPDLV - Cartonization Planning for Outbound Delivery Orders


Execution Mode has option for simulate and delete the PSHUs.

Log of CAP:



  1. 1> Extended Warehouse Management under Goods Issue Process Cartonization Planning

Configure Cartonization Planning on Warehouse Number Level

2>Extended Warehouse Management under Goods Issue Process Cartonization Planning .

Define Number Ranges for Identification of PSHUs

3>Extended Warehouse Management under Goods Issue Process Cartonization Planning .

Define Process Profiles for Cartonization Planning


4> Extended Warehouse Management under Goods Issue Process Cartonization Planning .

Define Algorithm Profiles for Cartonization Planning


5>  Define  WOCR

Create Packaging Profile

Extended Warehouse Management under Cross-Process-Settings Warehouse Order Define Creation Rule for Warehouse Orders .

Extended Warehouse Management under Cross-Process-Settings Warehouse Order Define Packing Profile for Warehouse Order Creation .

Master Data:

SAP Easy Access screen under Extended Warehouse Management Settings Determine Algorithm Profiles for Cartonization Planning

Tcode: /SCWM/CAPPDET - Determine Algorithm Profiles for Cartonization Planning


Packing Spec: To determine the Packaging Material

Log Activation:

Badi: Algorthim = SAP1

Here We can add custom code to create PSHU based on business need.


Delete of PSHUs:

SAP recommend to delete obsolete PSHUs regularly i.e., those items are already goods issue.

To delete obsolete PSHUs, on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose  Extended Warehouse Management Work Scheduling Cartonization Planning Delete Planned Shipping Handling Units  or schedule the report/SCWM/R_CAP_DELETE.

/SCWM/CAPDEL - Delete Planned Shipping Handling Units


Version: EWM 9.0

Business Function:

SCM_EWM_FND must be activated.

BC Sets need to activate:

1. /SCWM/CAP_WORK_CENTER_LAYOUT(Cartonization Planning: Work Center Screen Configuration)

2. /SCWM/CAP (Cartonization Planning)


Any advice, comments and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,

Thanks to author Ajit Routray

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Ayhan Akkaya updated the category from Goods Issue process to Goods Issue process — 2 years ago
Ayhan Akkaya set the post as Critical priority — 2 years ago
Ayhan Akkaya updated the category from Goods Issue process to Goods Issue process — 2 years ago
Ayhan Akkaya set the post as Critical priority — 2 years ago
Ayhan Akkaya updated the category from Goods Issue process to Goods Issue process — 1 year ago
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