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Make the Shipping Point Relevant for Advanced Shipping and Receiving



 Define Freight Unit Types



Freight Unit Building Rule- FUBR- Fiori App


Define Logistics Integration Profile


Define Freight Order Types




Activate BC Sets- Inbound and Outbound

I will add both Inbound and Outbound BC Sets which needs to be activated.

Inbound Delivery BC Set

Activate BC Set /SCWM/DLV_INBOUND_FO for EWM document type IFO


Enable the item type IDFO for the use of serial numbers

In Customizing, choose SCM Extended Warehouse Management → Extended Warehouse Management → Cross-Process Settings → Delivery – Warehouse Request → Quantity Offsetting → Define Quantity Offsetting Profiles

               Select the profile „/SCWM/INB_PRD_DLV_FO” and choose the view “Assignment of Quantity Roles” on the left side.

               For the quantity role “SN”, deselect the „Inactive“ checkbox.

Map Document Type from ERP System to EWM Document Type IFO

               DocTypeERP   EL

               Doc. Type         IFO

Map Item Type from ERP System to EWM Item Type IDFO

               DocTypeERP   EL

               ItmTpERP          ELN

               Doc. Type         IFO

               Item Type         IDFO

Now you need to do determination of WPT according to your Doc type and Item type


If you want to automatically create packaging items for the packaging materials of HUs in the EWM inbound delivery, you need to activate this BC set. This BC set includes the EWM item type IPHU.

Automatically Generate Packaging Items for EWM Inbound Delivery

In Customizing, choose SCM Extended Warehouse Management → Extended Warehouse Management → Goods Receipt Process → Inbound Delivery → Automatically Generate Packaging Items for Inbound Deliveries.

               Warehouse Number                 ZS01   

               Doc. Cat.                                        PDI

               Doc. Type                                       IFO

               Dlv. Item creation                       X

               Implicit GR                                    X

               Locking During Creation                        Blank

Open the view “Relevance of Packmaterials” and select the packaging type for the delivery item creation, for example, packing material type ‘PALT’.

Open the view „Determination of Delivery Item Type“, and enter the following data:

               Packaging Material Type         PALT

               Warehouse Number                 ZS01

               Doc. Cat.                                        PDI

               Doc. Type                                       IFO

               Item Type                                       IPHU

               Stock Type                                     F1

Define Delivery Item Category Determination for the Usage of Automatically Generated Packaging Items in EWM Inbound Delivery

In Customizing, choose Logistics Execution → Shipping → Deliveries → Define Item Category Determination in Deliveries.

               Delivery Type                                EL

               Item Category Group                VERP

               Usage                                              Blank

               ItemCat - HighLevItm                             Blank

               Default Item Category                            ELP

Add Transaction Code to Movement Type for the Usage of Automatically Generated Packaging Item in EWM Inbound Delivery

If you want to automatically create packaging items for the packaging materials of HUs in the EWM inbound delivery, you need to perform the following Customizing activity. This setting is necessary for the goods receipt reversal process

  1. In Customizing, choose Materials Management → Inventory Management and Physical Inventory → Movement Types → Copy, Change Movement types.
  2. Select the „Movement type“ checkbox.
  3. Enter the selection range from movement type 502 to movement type 502.
  4. Select the view “Allowed Transactions” and add the transaction code VL09.

Outbound Delivery BC Set

Activate BC Set /SCWM/DLV_OUTBOUND_FO for EWM Document Type OFO

  1. From the initial screen, enter transaction SCPR20 or /NSCPR20.
  2. Enter /SCWM/DLV_OUTBOUND_FO in the „BC SET“ field and choose “Activate BC Set” (F7). Check the BCS documentation and adapt the settings for your process. Enable the Item Type ODFO for the Use of Serial Numbers

If you use materials with a serial number requirement in EWM in the outbound process, you need to enable the item type ODFO for the use of serial numbers.

  1. In Customizing, choose SCM Extended Warehouse Management → Extended Warehouse Management → Cross-Process Settings → Delivery – Warehouse Request → Quantity Offsetting → Define Quantity Offsetting Profiles.
  2. Select the profile /SCWM/OUT_PRD_DLV_FO and choose the view „Assignment of Quantity Roles“ on the left side.
  3. For the quantity role “SN”, deselect the “Inactive” checkbox. Define Process Profile for Document Header

You can enable the immediate quantity update to the LE delivery for quantity changes in the outbound delivery order, and immediate handling unit update to the LE delivery with the creation of the EWM outbound delivery.

In Customizing, choose SCM Extended Warehouse Management → Extended Warehouse Management → Cross-Process Settings → Delivery – Warehouse Request → Process Management and Control → Define Process Profile for Document Header.

Enable immediate quantity update

  1. Select profile /SCWM/OUT_PRD_FO, and choose “‘Details”.
  2. Select the checkbox for ‘Quantity Update’.

Enable immediate handling unit update

  1. Select profile /SCWM/OUT_FD_FO and choose “Details”.
  2. Select the checkbox for ‘HU Update’.

Map Document Type from ERP System to EWM Document Type OFO

  1. In Customizing, choose SCM Extended Warehouse Management → Extended Warehouse Management → Interfaces → ERP Integration → Delivery Processing → Map Document Types from ERP System to EWM.
  2. Map ERP document type LF to EWM document type OFO.

               DocTypeERP                  LF

               Doc. Type                        OFO

Map Item Type from ERP System to EWM Item Type ODFO

  1. In Customizing, choose SCM Extended Warehouse Management → Extended Warehouse Management → Interfaces → ERP Integration → Delivery Processing → Map Item Types from ERP System to EWM.
  2. Map ERP document type LF, ERP item type TAN, and EWM document type OFO to EWM item type ODFO.

               DocTypeERP   LF

               ItmTpERP          TAN

               Doc. Type         OFO

               Item Type         ODFO

Determine the WPY based on your Doc Type

Maintain POD Relevance

  1. In Customizing, choose Logistics Execution → Shipping → Deliveries → Proof of Delivery → Set POD-Relevance Depending on Delivery Item Category.

               Item Category               TAN

               POD-relevant V (Copy POD relevance from preceding document)

               POD automatic            blank

Create Location – Loading/Unloading Point


Staging Area and Door Determination (Outbound)

/SCWM/STADET_OUT - Staging Area and Door Determination (Outbound)


Assignment of Unloading Points to Warehouse Doors



I have Completed the Configuration, Now Running and understanding the process is very much important.

Sine There will not be having any TU available the reversal process would be easy for the warehouse side, I will probably cover this topic in my upcoming blogs.

Testing/Running The Process

Create Sales order- It will create Freight Unit automatically.


Create Fright Ordre – based on Planning


Freight Order will be created based on your Planning Profile and Your Resource Master, Lane master, and Zone Master.


Since I am not using Tendering Process, I will assign the carrier Manually.


Now you create the Delivery from SAP TM- (0052 Control Key is required to create OD from SO)

As you can see from the screenshot below, "Send Loading Instruction" is disabled because the integration is ASR-based, and ASR does not support TU. For TU-based integration, please refer to my previous blog post.


Based on your SLoc in SO, the created Delivery will be distributed to EWM. I would like you to notice the difference between the OD and warehouse OD (if your EWM no range for OD differ, you can see that both nodes differ; this is the beauty of ASR, having both delivery with its differentiation).


Check the delivery in SAP EWM with Transportation Planning Type – F (EWM Level) and TM Controlled one will be E.

Actually, ASR support 2 levels, EWM controlled one and TM controlled one (the TM controlled one you can see only in S4 2023, I will add the path in the last fold of this blog)

Basically EWM controlled meaning, the OBD will not require any events from TM to start the warehouse process, where as TM controlled one require TM system to send you "Set in-Execution" until that time the OD will be in Block Status.


SAP Has given Specific App for ASR- Load or Unload Freight Orders, Here you can enter your Freight Order no and Warehouse no, and you can monitor your complete Warehouse activities.


Now you can process and complete the warehousing process (Picking, Packing but not Loading), you can go to the warehouse monitor and You need to do the ready for Shipping.


 By this time your Warehouse processing status will be- Completed. (Goto Status tab in FO).


You need to process the status - Set Ready for Transportation Execution


The Status will be in-Execution


Since the Transpiration Execution has been started, you need to set the process of FO In-Execution.


The Status will be changed to In-Execution.


Since the Truck Physically Arrived to your Warehouse for Loading, you need to set your FO for check-in, and for all these steps, relevant executions/events are getting triggered in background.


 The Evens will be below.


Your warehouse can do the loading by RF(Upon loading completion the OBD header status will be changed to Loading completion, and same you can see in the EWM OBD, as well as Load Unload Freight Order App).




Now From The Load Unload Freight Order App, you should make it as loading completion.


The Loading Status will be change to Green(Completed)


Now you can post the GI from The Load Unload Freight Order Fiori App


Now all the process will be completed till GI.


There is some important point I would like to Add here.

1. If the events are not getting triggered, you need to raise it to SAP, there will be some notes which SAP will suggest to implement.

2. For TM Controlled ASR, in the SAP TM- Integration- You will find new Node there, where you can controlled the TM based ASR, and there are limitations are there, you need to read the Product guideline for that(Its only available from S4 2023).

In addition, I would like to thank my friend Tabrez Shaikh for this thorough ASR implementation.

Thanks & Regards,

Muhammad Ashraf

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