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  Sunday, 07 November 2021
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SAP offers Tcode /SCWM/ISU for EWM Initial Stock Upload. However, you can use LSMW to have more flexibility. In this blogs I will explain detail step by step how to use LSMW and note down some errors you may face.

My example case that I want to upload Initial Stock with Batch Management, Quantity in decimals, but without HU Management. SAP Version: SAP S/4HANA 1909 – Embedded EWM.


Step by Step to run LSMW

First step to create your own Project and Object.

Define Object Attributes


Define Source Structures

Define Source Fields

You can create source field to those field you have data to upload.

Note: you should put the source field name the same as original field name in Structure, so later you can auto mapping the source field with the field in structure to saving time.

Quantity field if you want to upload quantity in decimals, choose Field Type as “C” Characteristic and Tick as below.

Define Structure Relations

Define Field Mapping and Conversion Rules

If the source field name is the same as original field name in Structure, you can use Auto Mapping Field.

Define Fixed Values, Translations, User-Defined Routines

Here I define to to convert data for Quantity to able to upload quantity in decimals. The source and Target type of Quantity are both Characteristic.

Specify Files

You muss use Converted data as Standard one as below, else you will face error.

If the Standard one not available, you muss create new one with the same name.

Example data in the uploaded file, VFDAT is expiration date, which must be the same date in Batch master data. If Batch master data doesn’t have expiration date, you must set in the file as 0000000 but cannot let it empty as this is required field.

See the quantity here is in decimals.

Below steps you can simply run through

–  Assign Files

–  Read Data

–  Display Read Data

–  Convert Data

–  Display Converted Data


Start Direct Input Program

Click “Upload”, if all lines are green. You can go ahead to click on “Execute” and post the transaction.

Display Material Document with Mvt 561 is created from EWM. Check the Quantity Tab you can see only quantity without Ext. Amount LC.

Compare with Initial stock upload from IM with MIGO, you can either put Batch number and Ext. Amount LC in MIGO, along with initial stock upload.



  • If stock is Batch managed, you muss created Batch Master data before Initial Stock upload. Batch Master data can be uploaded with supported from LTMC.
  • EWM only can upload Quantity but without Value. The step to upload Value for initial stock can be carry later on with Tcode MR21/ MR22.


Thanks for your reading.

I would love to receive any Feedback/ Comment from you.



Van Dang



Upload stock with /SCWM/ISU

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