Anonymous User
  Friday, 07 July 2023
  5 Replies
  2.3K Visits

Hi EWM experts,

I am configuring the production integration with EWM.

The scenario is 1 EWM Sloc as a source and the destination production Sloc is only IM managed.

I have successfully configured for outbound delivery creation.

After WT creation and confirmation, the stock is at the PSA but it is not automatically GI.

I have made settings for automatic GI in the below areas

1. SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Goods Issue Process --> Outbound Delivery --> Production Supply --> Maintain Settings for Aut. Goods Issue for Production Supply


2. /SCWM/PSA - Define PSA


So, I don't know why GI is not triggered



Tri Le Bao

1 year ago
Accepted Answer

Hi Shailesh,

Thanks for your comment.

However, my issue is about PGI from EWM SLoc to IM (Production) SLoc after stock has been putaway to the PSA.

I have used SM21 like Zak suggested and found that due to the time-zone difference, the job start time was in the past and so it was not created.

The system uses my user ID to create the background job. The job start time will be scheduled based on the system time zone.

Because the system time zone is BEFORE my user ID's time zone, the job start time will always be in the past.

Now, a temporary solution might be to change my user ID's time zone to system time zone or before that. But this will not reflect the correct time in reality.

So could anyone show me how to make the system take into account the time difference between the system time zone and user ID's time zone when creating background jobs?


Tri Le Bao

Ayhan Akkaya set the post as Normal priority — 1 year ago
Ayhan Akkaya set the type of the post as  IMG/Configuration — 1 year ago
Ayhan Akkaya labelled the post as Q&A — 1 year ago
Ayhan Akkaya set the post as Normal priority — 1 year ago
1 year ago


Please check the Warehouse and consumption posting delivery has below settings.

If you materials are marked with backflush, then automatic consumption in IM 261 simultaneously triggers Consumption delivery CP.

The action profile that is assigned to the delivery type(PDO) must contain action /SCWM/PRD_OUT_POST_GI_PP .

Check the required Action profile which is responsible for consumption posting in EWM.

The action definition /SCWM/PRD_OUT_GI_PP is responsible for Auto GI posting and it should be active.

Best regards

Shailesh Mishra

1 year ago
Accepted Answer

Hi Shailesh,

Thanks for your comment.

However, my issue is about PGI from EWM SLoc to IM (Production) SLoc after stock has been putaway to the PSA.

I have used SM21 like Zak suggested and found that due to the time-zone difference, the job start time was in the past and so it was not created.

The system uses my user ID to create the background job. The job start time will be scheduled based on the system time zone.

Because the system time zone is BEFORE my user ID's time zone, the job start time will always be in the past.

Now, a temporary solution might be to change my user ID's time zone to system time zone or before that. But this will not reflect the correct time in reality.

So could anyone show me how to make the system take into account the time difference between the system time zone and user ID's time zone when creating background jobs?


Tri Le Bao

Ayhan Akkaya selected the reply #1414 as the answer for this post — 1 year ago
1 year ago

Why don't you simply create a periodic background job with SM36?

  • Maintain a variant with your desired parameters for report /SCWM/R_DLV_POST_GI_PSA (or T-Code /SCWM/DLV_GIPSA).
  • SM36, create a job with one step: program /SCWM/DLV_GIPSA, the variant you just created.
  • Enter the desired start time (or select "Immediate") and the desired period.

Hi Julio,

It can be a workaround. If I do this, do I have to maintain the checkbox "Post GI" in the PSA?

The reason why I say it is a workaround is because background jobs slow the system down. This is the testing system, so we have only 3-4 plants. But in a production system, there will be roughly 30-40 plants/warehouses. Each will have different requirement about time so we will have 30-40 jobs just to post GI, which is quite unnecessary from my perspective when SAP has given you a standard solution. We just need to find out why it is not working :((((

My intention is ask for support from an ABAPer, but I don't know how to explain the situation to him with enough details to work...


Tri Le Bao

Hi Tri,

I don't think you need the checkbox "Post GI" in this case, but I'm not sure.

I understand your concern about performance, and personally I also avoid background jobs as I find triggers more elegant and low-maintenance, but it of course depends on the business scenario. If you have many picking WTs and you are triggering a partial GI every few seconds, your system will be more overloaded than if you just post everything every 30 minutes. The question is how fast you need the GI. According to SAP (pay attention at the last sentence), triggering GI at stock arrival in the PSA can be a performance killer.

Trigger Goods Issue (GI) at PSA

Indicates whether you want to post the goods issue (GI) for a production supply delivery when the stock arrives at the production supply area (PSA).


You can set this flag if a regular job for posting the GI using program Post Goods Issue in PSA is not sufficient, and if you want to have the stock available in the ERP storage location earlier.


  • The system only evaluates the field if you use the outbound delivery process for production supply deliveries.
  • If you want to post the goods issue from the PSA, you have to register the document type for the automatic GI in the IMG activity Maintain Settings for Aut. Goods Issue for Production Supply.
  • Depending on the number of delivery items in the PSA, setting this flag increases the system load. SAP recommends that you only set it for a PSA in which you are expecting a small data volume.

Julio Lopez

Ayhan Akkaya set the post as Normal priority — 1 year ago
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