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  Sunday, 04 April 2021
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In a production where products are created in several stages, but the semi-finished products are not put away into the warehouse, SAP EWM Advanced production Integration allows to post goods receipt and consumption for the semi-finished product directly on the PSA bin. This makes sense in many perspective when sub-assemblies are not required to be moved into warehouse because of immediate consumption of Sub-assemblies to next Order.


Instead of Sub-Assemblies routed to WHSE, Advanced production Integration allows to make the sub-assemblies ”Not Relevant for staging ” in next order. This modus operandi makes consumption of Sub-assemblies HU directly from PSA, making production/ logistics process more fast.

The blog is written to show case how GR and GI can be performed directly from PSA.

GR & Putaway of Sub-Assemblies at PSA

Receiving & Putaway of Sub-assembly directly at PSA through RF.


This process allows to scan the appropriate bin where Sub-assembly has to be produced. As there may be many PSA bin, logistics operators can scan the storage bin in question for consumption using the bar codes assigned at PSA bins.


Sub-assembly is directly putawayed at PSA bin.


GI of Sub-Assemblies from PSA:

The next order on which Sub-assembly has to be consumed needs to be created.  Scan the sub-assembly HU bar code.


Note- When Sub-Assemblies are produced and kept in inventory at PSA, a HU content label having HU car code needs to be created and assigned to Sub-Assembly pallet or box. The content label helps to identify product, batch, Quantity which is used latter in consumption part.


Here Sub-Assembly in /SCWM/PSASTAGE is set as not relevant for staging so no PMR doc is created, not staging required.


RF allows to consume full or partial quantity as well.

The consumption of Sub-Assembly is directly posted from PSA.


Hope you liked the blog. Any feedback will be highly valued.


Best regards

Shailesh Mishra

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