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  Sunday, 28 March 2021
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During recent months, SAP has delivered lots of  open request from customer connection program and in same regard, SAP has enhanced ”Replenishment” process so that it can consider any open HU warehouse tasks in pipeline. This is most beneficial when replenishment is a 2 step process, meaning instead of HU movement directly to production supply, it is routed via an intermediate location first.

This way if there is any open HU WT at intermediate location, system will check the open HU task. Earlier this functionality was not available and replenishment was based only ”Product WT” and when mixed HU was picked, the MATID was blank and system does not include that quantity calculation of product into consideration.

With SAP note implementation, 2836230 – Replenishment calculation to consider open HU WTs, it is now possible to work work with above mentioned functionality with Mix HU. This functionality can be downported to 1709, 1809, 1909 embedded and 9.5 decentral version.

However, in S/4 HANA 2020,  it is part of native solution now.


Run the crate part replenishment program, based on Min/Max quantity from determination table,



System created Product WT for final PSA bins.

Carry out replenishment with RFUI so that HU, picking happens in one Pick Handling unit( A cart container).

Note: The layout-oriented storage control will influence the handling unit warehouse task for the pick handling unit from the resource to its destination. Instead of moving the HU to  PSA bins directly, it is routed via the intermediate destination first.


Mixed HU is routed to Identification Point.


There is now Open HU WT with 2 products at intermediate location.


Re-Run the Crate Part replenishment for PSA to check whether Open HU WT is taken into consideration or not.

System did not created any REPL task and it considered Open HU 100000000139 WT  having 2 different product in HU 3000000003.



The replenishment process will be more accurate, efficient and control inventory influx at intermediate location when replenishment is merged with LOSC.

All testing is performed in S/4 HANA 2020.

Hope you liked this blog, any suggestions or improvement for this blog will be highly valued

References: Customer Connection 220958.



Shailesh Mishra

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