Tuesday, 02 April 2019
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I can't find any documentation for EWM & Basis settings for qRFC communication for S/4HANA 1809 Embedded Solution. There used to be ECC ERP & SCM and/or Netweaver EWM Side-car solution "EWM & Basis qRFC documentation" but I can not find anything for S/4HANA Embedded EWM. Also Best Practices does not have any information at the moment.

Please review the attached SAP Official document and see below for my our S/4HANA 1809 Best Practice additional configuration.


RFC Destination Example: S4HCLNT001 MD3CLNT100

Logical System Example: S4HCLNT001 MD3CLNT100

Dummy Logical System Example: S4HEWM001 MD3EWM100

Business System: DE1_100 DE1_100

Business System & Logical System: DE1_100 & MD3EWM100











 We will get a cleansing alert, and then:



5 years ago


Can you confirm if my understanding is correct?  The information above related to setting up distribution model and qRFC pertains to EMBEDDED EWM in S4 HANA 1809 and not S4 HANA to a DECENTRALIZED EWM(ie., separate system/instance)?  I was under the impression that in EMBEDDED EWM in SA HANA 1809, no is no need for a qRFC given that it is embedded.


Will highly appreciate your confirmation.

Thank you


5 years ago

Hi Ayhan


Can you clarify if my understanding is correct?  Is qRFC still needed for EMBEDDED EWM in S4 HANA 1809?  If yes, then SMQ1 and SMQ2 would still be there?

It is my understanding that it was needed in S4 HANA 1610 but not in 1809???

Thank you


Hi Annie,
Sorry for the late response, but answer is YES.
in S/4HANA 1809 Embedded EWM, we still have SMQ1 & SMQ2.

As for S/4HANA 1809 SC EWM (as sidecar) that requires IDOC.
Please see future planned road map images, but it could be subject to changes.
Hope it helps.


5 years ago

Use Cases

  1. If you use a SAP S/4HANA 1809 system with Best Practice activated but without using the SAP Extended Warehouse Management for S/4HANA, and you want to add the Best Practice for the SAP  EWM in SAP S/4HANA to an existing plant, this blog lists all the required Best Practice Org data and guides you to expedite the Basic Settings process so that you don’t need to research for the input data.
  2. If you use a SAP S/4HANA 1809 system, and you want to add the SAP EWM in SAP S/4HANA to a new or an existing plant, you replace the Best Practice Org Structure in this blog with your own and complete the basic settings by following the example.

1 Basic Settings for SAP EWM in SAP S/4HANA

SAP provides a copy of “Getting Started Guide – Basic Settings for SAP EWM in SAP S/4HANA” in the attachment of SAP Note 2668150 – SAP S/4HANA 1809: Release information and restrictions for EWM in SAP S/4HANA SAP Note has file “BasicSettings_EWMinS4_V01.pdf”.

This blog provides step-by-step screenshots based on the guide and the Best Practice Org structure.

SAP EWM in SAP S/4HANA Best Practices

SAP EWM in SAP S/4HANA provides the following 11 scope items in the Best Practice content, and this blog shows the basic settings needed for these Best Practices. For each scope item, more functional related configurations are needed. Refer to rapid.sap.com for the required Building Blocks for each scope item.

Scope Item Description License
1FS Basic Warehouse Inbound Processing from Supplier Basic
1FU Initial Stock Upload for Warehouse Basic
1FW Physical Inventory in Warehouse Basic
1FY Replenishment in Warehouse Basic
1G0 Scrapping in Warehouse Basic
1G2 Basic Warehouse Outbound Processing to Customer Basic
1V5 Warehouse Inbound Processing from Supplier with Batch Management Basic
1V7 Warehouse Outbound Processing to Customer with Batch Management Basic
1V9 Basic Warehouse Inbound Processing from Supplier with Quality Management Basic
1VB Production Integration – Component Consumption and Receipt in Warehouse Basic
1VD Advanced Warehouse Outbound Processing to Customer Advance

2 Configuration of qRFC Communication

2.1 Background Information About System Landscape Settings

The system landscape entities in the following table is based on a single SAP S/4HANA sandbox system, which has system ID BES and Client 300. If you need to setup the system landscape for a distributed system landscape, e.g., with customizing, test, and production system, see Section 2.1 in the guide pdf file.

System Landscape Entity Example Comments
RFC Destination BESCLNT300 Exists in your SAP S/4HANA system already, see Section 2.2 below
Logical Systems BESCLNT300 Exists in your SAP S/4HANA system and assigned to Client 300 already
Dummy Logical System BESEWM300 To be created by the Implementation Tool for System Connection, see Section 2.4.
Business System Group BG1 BG1 To be created by the Implementation Tool for System Connection, see Section 2.4.
Business System S4H_001 BES_300 To be created by the Implementation Tool for System Connection, see Section 2.4.

2.2 Technical Prerequisites for qRFC Communication

The RFC Destination and RFC Connection BESCLNT300 should be in the existing SAP S/4HANA system already. You need to test the RFC Connection to confirm that the connection is working via transaction SM59 by clicking on the Connection Test button.

2.3 Creating Dummy Logical System Manually

The Dummy Logical System for EWM will be created automatically by the “Implementation Tool for System Connection” in Section 2.4.

2.4 Configuring qRFC Communication and Client Settings

You use this procedure to configure the following data with the help of the “Implementation Tool for System Connection” in SAP EWM in SAP S/4HANA:

  • System landscape settings for qRFC communication.
    · Basic number ranges (on client level) in SAP EWM including packaging specifications and shipping and receiving activities
    · Warehouse-independent basic settings using BC Set activation within the tool

You follow the following steps to use the “Implementation Tool for System Connection”.

  1. In Customizing for Extended Warehouse Management, choose Interfaces → ERP Integration → Tool-Based ERP Integration → Implementation Tool for System Connection, click on the IMG node execution icon.
  2. The following pop-up window opens.
  3. Select “Display Quick Help” to display input field information.
  4. Enter a Data Set name (W001) and its Description (W001). The system uses the name of the data set to store your data input.
  5. Select an existing transport Request/Task or create a new one to store all the configurations made during the Activation step.
  6. Click on the “Next >” button to go to Step 2 “Use Cases”, and select the “Configuration EWM in the current system” radio button.
  7. Click on the “Next >” button to go to Step 3 “System Settings”, review the system proposed entries, and enter new values if the fields are blank.
  8. Click on the “Next >” button to go to Step 4 “Number Ranges”, if you need to setup your own number ranges, select “Skip creation of number ranges”.
    The number ranges will be created by the system in this blog.
  9. Click on the “Next >” button to go to Step 5 “Activation”. Enter the Request/Task, and click on “Activate” button. You could export the details of the activation content by clicking the Export button.
  10. The activation is executed in the background.
  11. Click on the “Next >” button to go to Step 6 “Activation Logs” after the completion of Activation. Check the logs for any error messages. The same log could be found in transaction SLG1 under object /SCWM/WME and sub-object IMPL_TOOL.
  12. You have successfully executed the Implementation Tool for System Connection.

3 Warehouse Creation and Integration into the Enterprise Structure

3.1 Background Information About Warehouse Integration

The Best Practices for US Localization version for SAP EWM in SAP S/4HANA requires the following org structure. For other country localization, replace the 17 prefix by your country number. For example, instead of Plant 1809 for US, use 1010 for Germany, 2910 for Canada, 1310 for China, 3010 for Australia, etc.

Org. Master Data Value Master Data Description Comments
Company Code 0001 Company Code 0001 S/4HANA Object
Purchasing Organization 0001 Purch. Org. 0001 S/4HANA Object
Plant PL01 Plant 1 US (or your description) S/4HANA Object
Storage Location ROD EWM ROD S/4HANA Object
Storage Location AFS EWM AFS S/4HANA Object
ERP Warehouse Number W01 W01 WM Warehouse for EWM (or your description) S/4HANA Object
Receiving Point 0001 Shipping Point 0001 S/4HANA Object
Supply Chain Unit SCU-W001 SCU Warehouse W001 EWM Specific Objects in S/4HANA
EWM Warehouse Number W001 EWM W001 EWM Specific Objects in S/4HANA
Custodian BPW001VC BPW001VC S/4HANA Object
Entitled to Dispose BPW001VC BPW001VC S/4HANA Object
Goods Receipt Office SCU-W001 SCU for Warehouse W001 EWM Specific Objects in S/4HANA
Shipping Office SCU-W001 SCU for Warehouse 0001 EWM Specific Objects in S/4HANA

3.2 Prerequisites for Warehouse Integration

Plant PL01 should have been already created in your system and an active material ledger for the valuation area has been assigned to Plant PL01.
If your plant doesn’t exist, create it and set active material ledger for your plant, see Section 3.2 in file “BasicSettings_EWMinS4_V01.pdf”.

You have to perform the following manual configuration before you could use the automated configuration tool in Section 3.4.

  1. Create storage locations AFS and ROD in plant PL01.
    Customizing Path:
    Enterprise Structure → Definition → Materials Management → Maintain storage location.
  2. Create a business partner BPW001VC with predefined roles FLCU00 (FI Customer) and FLCU01 (Customer)Transaction BP
    Select create Organization icon, and enter name, Country, Language, and Save
    To add the FLCU00 BP role under the change mode, select the FLCU00 BP role, enter address, and Save.
    To add the FLCU01 BP role, under Change mode, select the FLCU01 BP role and save.
    You need to link the customer BPW001VC to Plant PL01  via Customizing Path:
    Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Set up Stock Transport Order → Define Shipping Data for Plants.
    Enter BPW001VC in the Customer No. – Plant field.
  3. Add FLVN00 (FI Vendor) and FLVN01 (Vendor) to BPW001VC
    Use transaction Code BP to change BPW001VC.
    Add FLVN00 BP role to Business Partner BPW001VC, and save.
    Add FLVN01 BP role to Business Partner BPW001VC, and save.You need to link BPW001VC as the supplier to Plant PL01.
    In the BP transaction change mode, select the FLVN01 Supplier role, under the “Vendor – General Data” tab, enter plant PL01 in the Additional General Data section.

The customizing for shipping point/goods receiving point assignment, posting period settings, and cost center assignment, see Section 3.2 Page 11 in the document “BasicSettings_EWMinS4_V01.pdf”, have been set in the SAP S/4HANA configuration already.

3.3 Creating Organizational Units for the Warehouse

You need to make the following configuration in SAP S/4HANA.

  1. Define a warehouse on the SAP S/4HANA side (WM warehouse)
    Customizing Path:
    Enterprise Structure → choose Definition → Logistics Execution → Define,
    copy, delete, check warehouse number, and choose the activity Define warehouse
    Click on “New Entries” to add the warehouse W01.
    NOTE: Do not use copy warehouse function.Click New Entries and enter
    WhN: W01
    Warehouse no. description: W01 WM warehouse for EWM
  2. Assign the warehouse W01 to the plant PL01 and storage locations AFS and ROD
    Customizing Path:
    Enterprise Structure → Assignment → Logistics Execution → Assign warehouse number to plant/storage location.
    Click on New Entries and make the following assignments
  3. Maintain EWM-specific parameters for the warehouse
    Customizing Path:
    Logistics Execution → Extended Warehouse Management Integration → Basic Setup of Connectivity → Configure SAP EWM Specific Parameters.
    Ext. WM:            E (ERP with Extended Warehouse Management)
    Comm. WM:     Q (Queued and Serialized Asynchronous RFC)
    Dist. Mode:       Distribution Immediately at Document Creation

3.4 Creating and Integrating a SAP EWM Warehouse

SAP provides the “Implementation Tool for Warehouse Integration” to configure the following objects in SAP EWM in SAP S/4HANA for you:

  • SAP EWM warehouse definition and assignment to the Logistics Execution warehouse
  • Supply chain unit (SCU) of the warehouse, which is also used as shipping office and receiving office
  • Assignment of Custodian, Parties Entitled to Dispose (Plants), and Default Party Entitled to Dispose (optional) to the SAP EWM warehouse:
  • Assignment of SAP EWM stock types to the corresponding plants and storage locations by means of availability groups
  • Warehouse-dependent and warehouse-independent number ranges (optional)
  • Plus other configurations made by the BC Sets included in the tool, see the list of the BC Sets at the end of Sec. 3.4.

You will find the “Implementation Tool for Warehouse Integration” in the following customizing Path:

SCM Extended Warehouse Management → Extended Warehouse Management → Interfaces → ERP Integration → Tool-Based ERP Integration → Implementation Tool for Warehouse Integration.

  1. Click on the IMG node “Implementation Tool for Warehouse Integration”.
  2. Enter a Data Set name and its Description. The system uses the name of the data set to store your data input. And select an existing transport Request/Task or create a new one to store all the configurations made by the tool.
  3. Click on the “Next >” button to go to Step 2 “System Selection”, keep the proposed Own Logical System setting – BESCLNT300, and select the BESEWM300 from the Logical Systems list.
  4. Click on the “Next >” button to go to Step 3 “Warehouse Definitions”.
    Enter Warehouse Number W001 and your description.
    Use the input help drop down to select the ERP Warehouse number W01.
    If the ERP warehouse number is not found in the list, check the RFC connection in Sec. 2.2.
  5. Click on the “Next >” button to go to Step 4 “Organizational Units”.
    Enter the following settings used in the Best Practice:
    Supply Chain Unit:                               YWAREHOUSE-PL01
    Custodian:                                              BPW001VC
    Default Party Entitled to Dispose:  BPW001VC
  6. Click on the “Next >” button to go to Step 5 “Availability Groups”.Select the first line, Storage Location ROD, choose the Availability Group ROD and select the EWM stock type F1, Q3, B5, R7 and S5 as below. The selected values are automatically populated in the ROD line above.Select the next line, Storage Location AFS, select Availability AFS, and populate the Stock Types F2, Q4, B6, R8 and S6 as below:
  7. Click on the “Next >” button to go to Step 6 “Number Ranges”.
    If you want to use the default number ranges, select “Create All Standard Number Ranges”. Otherwise, define your own number range after the activation.
  8. Click on the “Next >” button to go to Step 7 “Activation”
    Enter an existing Request/Task or create a new one.
    You could export the activation list by clicking the “Export” button.
    Click the “Activate” button to start the configuration in the background.
  9. Click on the “Next >” button to go to Step 8 “Activation Logs” after the completion of Activation. Check the logs for any error messages. The same log could be found in transaction SLG1 under object /SCWM/WME and sub-object IMPL_TOOL.

Additional Info

The “Implementation Tool for Warehouse Integration” activates the following BC Sets. You could check their content using transaction code SCPR3.

BC Set ID Description
/SCWM/PRC_10_10_S4 Basic Settings (Client) – 10 – S/4
/SCWM/PRC_20_10 Basic Settings (Warehouse) – 10
/SCWM/PRC_20_20_S4 Basic Settings (Warehouse) – 20 – S/4
/SCWM/PRC_20_30 Basic Settings (Warehouse) – 30
/SCWM/EXCEPTION Exception Handling
/SCWM/PRC_10_20 Basic Settings (Client) – 20
/SCWM/PRC_10_30 Basic Settings (Client) – 30
/SCWM/PRC_11_9A Assignment Number Range Intervals for Basic Settings
/SCWM/BASIC_LIME LIME Basic Settings for EWM

3.5 Aligning HU Numbering

SAP Best Practice creates the following HU number ranges.

Application Internal Ranges External Ranges
Logistics Execution

1000000000 – 7999999999

(10 digits)

8000000000 – 9999999999 (10 digits)
EWM (Warehouse specific)

800000000 – 899999999 (9 digits)

1000000 – 1999999 (7 digits)

None (all numbers outside the

internal number ranges allowed)

If your customer needs different HU number ranges, Section 3.5 in the pdf document, BasicSettings_EWMinS4_V01.pdf, provides setup guidelines.

3.6 Activating Transaction Data Transfer

SAP S/4HANA transfers the transaction data (inbound deliveries, outbound deliveries, and production material requests) to SAP EWM in SAP S/4HANA using queued remote function call (qRFC).

You need to allow the split of delivery so that the deliveries are split for EWM and non-EWM warehouse if an order contains items from different warehouses.

You configure Define delivery split by warehouse under customizing Path:
Logistics Execution → Shipping → Deliveries → Define Split Criteria for Deliveries → Delivery Split by Warehouse Number → Define delivery split per delivery type

Select the Delivery Split checkbox for all delivery types you use in your EWM warehouse, e.g., EL, LF, LR, etc.

In Delivery Split by Warehouse Number, choose the activity Determine delivery split per warehouse number, and select the checkbox.

For qRFC transaction data transfer, you need to generate the distribution model for the Logistics Execution warehouse:

Customizing Path:

Logistics Execution → SAP EWM Integration → Basic Setup of Connectivity → Generate Distribution Model from SAP S/4HANA to SAP EWM.

Enter data in the following fields:
Warehouse Number:                    W01
Logical System of SAP EWM:    BESEWM300
Distribution Model View:             EWM (not in the help drop down list)
In the Objects screen area, select All.
In the Action screen area, select Create Entries.

Select Yes in the following popup window.

Click the green check icon to continue the generation of the distribution model.

Optional Configurations

4.1 Using Reference Number from ERP as document number of the EWM Warehouse Request

ERP document number can be used as EWM warehouse request number (released with 1809).

Customizing: Inbound Deliveries
SCM Extended Warehouse Management -> Extended Warehouse Management -> Goods Receipt Process -> Inbound Delivery -> Define Document Types for Inbound Delivery Process.

Outbound Deliveries
SCM Extended Warehouse Management -> Extended Warehouse Management -> Goods Issue Process -> Outbound Delivery -> Define Document Types for Outbound Delivery Process.

Posting Change
SCM Extended Warehouse Management -> Extended Warehouse Management -> Internal Warehouse Processes -> Delivery Processing -> Posting Changes -> Define Document Types for Posting Change Process.

4.2 Synchronous Goods Movements to ERP instead of qRFC for non-delivery related stock postings

For following tcodes, synchronous stock posting can be activated (released with 1809)
Difference Analyzer (tx. /SCWM/DIFF_ANALYZER)
Posting Changes (tx. /SCWM/POST, EWM Monitor, Change Stock Type report)
Post Unplanned Goods Issue (tx. /SCWM/ADGI)
Stock Data Transfer (tx. /SCWM/ISU)
SCM Extended Warehouse Management -> Extended Warehouse Management -> Interfaces -> ERP Integration-> Goods Movements -> Activate Synchronous Goods Movement Posting
Congratulations! You have finished the basic settings for SAP EWM in SAP S/4HANA. This completes the technical and organization configuration EWM in SAP S/4HANA.


Author: Yunus Yucesoy

Ayhan Akkaya changed the title from What's the settings required for EWM & Basis communication in S/4HANA 1809? to What's the settings required for EWM and Basis communication in S/4HANA 1809? — 3 years ago
Ayhan Akkaya labelled the post as IMG — 3 years ago
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