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Table of Contents


  1. Business Scenario............................................................................... 4
  2. Prerequisites...................................................................................... 4
  3. Step-by-Step Procedure...................................................................... 4

3.1 Activate Soft State Mode for OData Service............................... 5

3.2 Activate Asynchronous UI Interaction....................................... 5

3.3 Configure Printing................................................................... 6

3.3.1 PPF Printing................................................................ 6

3.3.2 Print HU with Predefined PPF Action............................. 6

3.3.3 Define Condition Type................................................. 6

3.3.4 Define Determination Procedure.................................. 7

3.3.5 Assign Determination Procedure.................................. 8

3.3.6 Create Condition Maintenance Group........................... 9

3.3.7 Create Condition Records for Printing......................... 10

3.4 Enable Damaged Products.................................................... 12

3.5 Connect to the Scale to Weigh.............................................. 12

3.6 Configure Sound Notification................................................ 14

3.7 Configure Product Image URL.............................................. 15

3.8 Configure Exception Code.................................................... 15

3.9 Define Number Range for HU Identification........................... 15

3.10 Configure Access Codes..................................................... 16

3.11 Configure Favorite Packaging Materials............................... 17

3.12 See Also........................................................................... 18



1         Business Scenario

This app helps to improve customer satisfaction in the following ways:

  • Improves packing efficiency
  • Reduces human errors
  • Reduces the cost of warehouse operations

Pack Warehouse Stock app is typical transactional Fiori app. It has the similar UI like Pack Outbound Deliveries app. It shares some configurations with Pack Outbound Deliveries app at the EWM backend.

This how-to guide is for the release of SAP S/4HANA 1909 SP00. 


2         Prerequisites

  • Software
    • UI exists in Software Component:
    • Backend logic exists in Software Component:
  • Hardware
  • Relevant SAP Notes
    • For more information about restrictions, see SAP Note 2788837.
  • Application help document:
  • SAP pre-delivered content, g. exception codes and internal process codes are imported.
  • You have used the warehouse operative role in Pack Warehouse Stock app by performing the following settings:
  • Open transaction “PFCG” in Fiori frontend server, copy SAP_EWM_BCR_WOP_T PFCG role to a temporary

role for example, Z_SAP_EWM_BCR_WOP_T.

  • Open transaction “SU01” in Fiori frontend server, assign Z_SAP_EWM_BCR_WOP_T temporary role to your


  • Open SAP Fiori Launchpad, add Pack Warehouse Stock tile to your home


3         Step-by-Step Procedure

In this section, you learn a step by step procedure to perform the following configurations:

  • Activate Soft State Mode for OData Service
  • Activate Asynchronous UI Interaction
  • Configure Printing
  • Enable Damaged Products
  • Connect to the Scale to Weigh
  • Configure Sound Notification
  • Configure Product Image URL
  • Configure Exception Code
  • Define Number Range for HU Identification
  • Configure Access Codes
  • Configure Favorite Packaging Materials


3.1 Activate Soft State Mode for OData Service

To improve packing performance, you can activate soft state mode for OData service PACK_OUTBDLV_SRV. Prerequisites

Set Service Data

  1. Open the transaction
  2. Choose the node of your Gateway service e.g. under sap/opu/odata/scwm/pack_outbdlv_srv.
  3. Select the tab Service

Make sure that the inactivity session time-out for your service is greater than 00:00:00. However, too large session time-out is not expected. During development and testing, we set this value to 00:00:30.


Activate Soft State Mode

  1. Open the transaction /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE ,

The soft state status of the service is displayed with one of the following values: Active, Inactive, Not Supported or empty.

  1. To activate soft state, choose button Soft State button. For more information, see SAP note



3.2 Activate Asynchronous UI Interaction

In this application, you can achieve better UI interaction by activating asynchronous UI interaction, without being blocked by waiting backend response. For some business cases, like e-commerce or supermarket, the performance of packing is critical, a packer doesn’t have time to waste on waiting system response, but requires continuous packing.

The asynchronous packing is implemented on the UI side while packing items and closing handling unit (HU). The trade-off is to block other actions as below. These actions are blocked until packing item actions and closing HU action is executed successfully or exception is handled. Those actions include:

  • Switch to another HU or storage bin
  • Change packaging material
  • Unpack all
  • Delete HU
  • Switch HU
  • Create HU

You need to execute transaction code /SCWM/PACK_ODLV_ASYNC to activate this setting shown as the screenshot below. Each entry indicates whether asynchronous UI interaction is active or not, under specified warehouse number, work center and user. If a user is not specified, it means this entry applies to all users in system.




3.3 Configure Printing

3.3.1        PPF Printing

You are running EWM on premise version. You want to print documents after HU creation or HU closing. Please note that automatic printing after HU closing is only supported when you already set the External Storage Process Step for the work center.


3.3.2          Print HU with Predefined PPF Action

If you want to know more about the details of SAP PPF technology, see PPF_in_SAP_EWM how-to guide on the SAP EWM how-to guides wiki page.


3.3.3          Define Condition Type

Create a new condition type in Customizing for Extended Warehouse Management under   Cross-Process Settings   Handling Units  Basics   Print   Define Condition Types  . For example, condition of HU label printing.

Assign an access sequence to the condition type according to your business needs.




3.3.4          Define Determination Procedure

Create a new determination procedure in Customizing for Extended Warehouse Management under   Cross- Process    Settings    Handling   Units    Basics     Print    Define  Determination  Procedure       . For example, determination procedure of packing.

You can assign multiple condition types to this procedure if multiple documents will be printed during packing.





3.3.5          Assign Determination Procedure

You can assign the determination procedure to the packaging material type in Customizing for Extended Warehouse  Management   under       Cross-Process      Settings    Handling   Units    Basics     Print    Assign Determination  Procedure  .


Or you can assign the determination procedure to the worker center of packing in Customizing for Extended Warehouse  Management  under    Master  Data  Work  Center  Define Work Center. Here, we take work center approach as an example.




3.3.6          Create Condition Maintenance Group

You assign the condition type to condition maintenance group in Customizing for Extended Warehouse Management  under         Cross-Process   Settings    Handling  Units    Basics     Print    Create Condition Maintenance Group . The condition maintenance group will be used during condition records creation. We use condition maintenance group PHU as an example.




3.3.7         Create Condition Records for Printing

You can create condition records for printing using transaction code /SCWM/PRHU6.


Select PHU as the application and maintenance group. Example 1


You can create additional condition types based on your business needs. Here we created 3 condition records for different condition types. The first record will be triggered after HU creation. The second will be triggered after clicking Print button manually. The third will be triggered after HU closing.

Here is some detailed explanation of the setting:

  • Completed:

Set it to X if you want to print document after HU closing.  For pack warehouse stock, HU  is not closed after user click “Close” button, just removed from UI. So, this setting doesn’t apply to pack warehouse stock app.

  • HU Step:

Value ‘I’ means print after HU creation. Value ‘P’ means manually printing HU documents.

Value ‘U’ means printing after HU updating. Value ‘D’ means printing after HU deletion.

  • Form:

You can use predefined form or you can create your own form that is compatible with the corresponding PPF action.

  • Spool Data:

You     can     create     additional    printing     control             parameter        using               transaction             code


  • Action Definition:

PPF action which is compatible with the form. You can also create your own PPF action.


The Customizing above enables the printing as follows:

  • Print HU label after HU
  • Print HU content after clicking Print

Example 2



The settings above are complex.

The Customizing above enables the printing as follows:

  • Print HU label after HU
  • Reprint all documents if the print button is

Please note that the PPF action of reprinting is different from auto-triggered PPF action.


3.4 Enable Damaged Products

On the user interface of Pack Warehouse Stock app, you can see a Damaged Products button that enables you to report any damaged products during your packing.

To enable this feature, you specify for your warehouse HU Allowed but not a Requirement for HU Requirement field in Customizing for Extended Warehouse Management under   Master Data  Define Storage Type .

3.5 Connect to the Scale to Weigh

You want to connect to a scale to weigh HUs. In this case, you follow three steps below to set up connection between a scale and a work center:

  1. Define a RFC Destination of a Scale

As the scale is defined as a remote RFC destination in SAP EWM. You need to use transaction code sm59 to define your own RFC destination.


  1. Define Scale

You can define a scale. You define a scale based on the created destination in the step above. On the launchpad, choose SAP Menu     Logistics  SCM Extended Warehouse Management  Master Data  Work Center  Define Scales .


  1. Assign a Scale to a Work Center

On the launchpad, choose SAP Menu  Logistics  SCM Extended Warehouse Management  Master Data              Work Center     Define Master Data Attributes .




3.6 Configure Sound Notification

You want to concentrate on your work in the warehouse without time to read every message proposed by the system. However, you want the system to remind you of the error messages that stop you from working. To do this, you can implement a BAdI to configure the sound alarms for different types of messages. This BAdI can get the audio URIs.

You define a method GET_MSG_AUDIO_URI for BAdI /SCWM/EX_PKODLV_MSG_AUDIO. It returns a table of /SCWM/S_MSG_AUDIO_URI structure. This BAdI is the same BAdI used for Pack Warehouse Stock application. Customer can use IV_CALLER parameter to differentiate applications.


If you want to return generic audio URI for message type, like I for information, E for errors and W for warnings, you can fill MSGTY field.

This app only supports such generic audio URI. However, the BAdI method also supports specified audio URI. If you want to return specified audio URI according to message ID and message No., you need to fill MSGID and MSGNO fields.


When configuring the sound notification for this app, you need to pay special attention to the audio types that can be supported by the browsers as the screenshot shown below:

For more information about implementing BAdI: Notification Sounds for Messages, see SAP Note 2679988 .

3.7 Configure Product Image URL

This application reuses BAdI /SCWM/EX_PBC_MAT_PIC to set up product image URL. You can find this BAdl in Customizing for                                SCM Extended Warehouse Management                           Extended Warehouse Management                           Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) for Extended Warehouse Management Master Data                           Product     BAdI: Retrieve for Product Picture URLs .


3.8 Configure Exception Code

This app only supports internal processing code EXPA and DIFF in the business context PIM step 17. Please refer to document: Exc_Code_Packing.pdf 


3.9 Define Number Range for HU Identification

This application supports both internal NR and external NR.

If only Internal NR configured in the backend, there is no need to provide HU ID manually.

If both available, user can either manually provide an ID (using External NR logic) or leave it empty (using Internal NR logic).

If only External NR available, user needs to provide an ID (using External NR logic) by mandatory.


To enable this feature, you can specify for your Number Range for HU Identification and assign it to the packaging material type in Customizing.

In Customizing for     SCM Extended Warehouse Management    Extended Warehouse Management    Cross-Process  Settings                             Handling Units                             External Identification       Define Number Range for HU Identification .

In Customizing for     SCM Extended Warehouse Management    Extended Warehouse Management    Cross-Process  Settings                             Handling Units                             External Identification       Assign Number Range Intervals to Packaging Material Types .



3.10 Configure Access Codes

This application supports to scan access codes to achieve direct interaction with the system and to quickly execute certain actions without a need of a keyboard or a mouse.

This application supports the following four kinds of access codes as follows:

  • Create HU
  • Close HU
  • Pack single HU Items
  • Pack all HU Items

To use the function of access codes, you need to do the following configurations:

  1. Define external access codes for this  application in Customizing for                     SCM Extended Warehouse Management    Extended Warehouse Management    Cross-Process Settings

Access Codes      Define External Access Codes .

  1. You choose an application for a warehouse from the Create External Access Codes
  2. You choose Define External Access Codes folder and choose New Entries.


You can define any external access codes, but the corresponding internal access codes are predefined as follows:

Internal Access Code



Close HU


Create HU


Pack single HU Items


Pack all HU Items

You can see the details as the screenshot shown as follows:


Screenshot1. External Access Codes Configuration

3.11 Configure Favorite Packaging Materials

To pack products in the warehouse, the workers should choose frequently packaging materials for the handling units. You can configure your most frequently used packaging materials for the work center.

To do this, on the launchpad, you choose Define Favorite Packaging Materials under SCM Extended Warehouse Management                            Extended Warehouse Management                            Master Data                                                                                  Work Center .


  • You can choose to configure your favorite packaging materials. You can configure at most 6 packaging materials for your work Too many favorite packaging materials won’t be shown properly on the UI.
  • In standard functions of EWM, you can define a default packaging material for your work center. However, this function is ignored by this

On the UI of this app, after you enter a product, you will be asked to create a handling unit to contain this product. The favorite packaging materials that you configured at the back end will be displayed on the UI as the screenshot shown below:


Favorite Packing Material UI


 3.12 See Also


For more information about Pack Warehouse Stock features and how-to videos, see the, choose 1909 version and then Product Assistance > Enterprise


Business Applications > Supply Chain > Extended Warehouse Management (EWM) > Handling Unit > Pack Warehouse Stock.



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