Thursday, 08 August 2024
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SPRO > SCM EWM > EWM > Cross-Process Settings > Warehouse Task > Define Warehouse Process Type


Process Type Control for Posting Change in Bin

Controls whether it is necessary to create a warehouse task for the execution of a posting change warehouse request with this warehouse process type.


For the setting Posting Change Always in Storage Bin, no warehouse task is needed if the system can find the stock for the posting change. For the setting No Posting Change in Storage Bin, you must create a warehouse task for the execution of the posting change warehouse request.

If the storage type is to decide on the relevance of the warehouse task, choose the setting Posting Change According to Storage Type Setting.

Execute Goods Movement Before Warehouse Task

Controls whether a goods movement for a posting change warehouse request is executed in the source or in the destination bin of the warehouse task.


This setting is only relevant if you create warehouse tasks for the execution of a posting change warehouse request.


If you post the goods movement before the warehouse task, mixed storage must be allowed in the source storage type. This is to enable the posting change of a partial quantity in a storage bin.


Post.Change in Bin:

Post. Change in Bin

Goods Mvmnt Before Warehouse Task (meaning: „Posting Change Before Internal Movement”)


Posting Change Always in Storage Bin

Not relevant

We do not want to create an internal movement warehouse task. The system tries to automatically find a stock entry and perform the PC.

1 Posting Change According to Storage Type Setting

Relevant if "2 Posting Change Never in Storage Bin" is selected by the Storage Type customizing > "Post.Change Bin" field.


2 Posting Change Never in Storage Bin (Create Warehouse Task)

Not checked

The PC is after the internal movement WT (PC happens at WT confirmation at the destination location).

2 Posting Change Never in Storage Bin (Create Warehouse Task)-


The PC is before the internal movement WT (PC happens at the source location).


SPRO > SCM EWM > EWM > Master Data > Define Storage Types


Storage Type Control for Posting Change in Bin

Storage type control for posting changes in the bin


This indicator controls whether it is necessary to create a warehouse task for the execution of a posting change warehouse request. The following settings are possible:

           ' ' Posting Change Always in Storage Bin

           1 Posting Change According to Mixed Storage Setting

            2 No Posting Change in Storage Bin (Create Warehouse Task)

For the setting Posting Change Always in Storage Bin, no warehouse task is needed if the system can find the stock for the posting change. For the setting No Posting Change in Storage Bin, you must create a warehouse task for the execution of the posting change warehouse request. If warehouse task creation is dependent on mixed storage, then a warehouse task is needed if the posting change will cause mixed storage in the storage bin or the HU, which is not permitted in this storage type.


This setting is only taken into account if the setting Process Type Control for Posting Change in Bin for the warehouse process type is set to 1 (Posting Change According to Storage Type Setting).

If you execute a posting change for a partial quantity in a storage bin, mixed storage must be allowed in the storage type.


' ' Posting Change Always in Storage Bin

"in bin" automatic posting change

1 Posting Change According to Mixed Storage Setting

The system tries to perform automatic PC, so almost the same as the first one, but it is only performed if the "Mixed Storage" type setting allowed it

2 Posting Change Never in Storage Bin (Create Warehouse Task)

Internal movement relevant setting



SPRO > SCM EWM > EWM > Interfaces > ERP Integration > Delivery Processing > Map Document Types from ERP System to EWM


From the ERP document type an EWM DOCCAT and DOCTYPE is determined. Which in turn determines a warehouse process type.



SPRO > SCM EWM > EWM > Cross-Process Settings > Warehouse Task > Determine Warehouse Process Type




SPRO > SCM EWM > EWM > Interfaces > ERP Integration > Goods Movements > Map Storage Locations from ERP System to EWM


If you change the storage location in ERP it will change the availability group in EWM.
(e.g. ERP - ROD EWM 001 >> ERP AFS EWM 002)
Because for the availability group has different stock type was mapped, then this is a stock type change in EWM.


The stock types are also assigned to availability groups, see table /SCWM/TCAT or check the customizing.



SPRO > SCM EWM > EWM > Goods Receipt Process > Configure Availability Group for Putaway




SPRO > SCM EWM > EWM > Goods Issue Process > Strategies




SPRO > SCM EWM > EWM > Goods Receipt Process > Strategies





By Ayhan Akkaya

Ayhan Akkaya set the post as Normal priority — 7 months ago
Ayhan Akkaya set the type of the post as  Blue Print/Consulting — 7 months ago
Ayhan Akkaya labelled the post as IMG — 7 months ago
Ayhan Akkaya marked this post as Resolved — 7 months ago
Ayhan Akkaya labelled the post as IMG — 7 months ago
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