Hi Ozgur,
Firstly, you need to define verification control for your warehouse number. Please follow this path in spro ;
SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> EWM --> Mobile Data Entry --> Verification Control --> Define Warehouse-Specific Verification

For inbound process;
1) You can define verification profile for your warehouse number in this screen.

After define verfication profile you can go to warehouse - specific verification in dialog structure
2) In this structure you can assign validation object for your verification profile
You can choose val.obj NLPLA and VLENR like i choosed.

For Outbound Process
You can follow similar path for outbound process;
1) Define verification profile for use new entries to make custom for your warehose number

After define verfication profile you can go to warehouse - specific verification in dialog structure
2) In this structure you can assign validation object for your verification profile

You can choose val.obj VLENR and VLPLA
After all these you can pair your verification profile with related process category
Please follow this path ;
SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> EWM --> Mobile Data Entry --> Verification Control --> Define Warehouse --> Define Warehouse-Specific Verification Determination

You can match for PROF-1 to Putaway, PROF-2 to Stock Removal
please don't forget to choose process category and data entry in Warehouse - Specific Verification Sequences in dialog structure

If you don't mark this small boxes sap can't find any verification profile.
Suatcan Pekak