Sunday, 07 November 2021
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Hi members,

A lot of time I have seen questions on internet asking about changing RF Scanner beep sound to some customised one as per message or at some place asking about Sound not coming in mobile browsers in RF Scanners with ITS.

So in today’s Blog I am providing the solution for giving customs sound with message in RF Scanners in Mobile browsers and PC browsers.    



  • ITSMOBILE should be published.
  • The following parameters must be defined and enabled –



In the template of your program screen you can already see the HTML code written like below:


SAP have already provided the code for different sounds as per message But the problem is the <bgsound> tag is obsolete and only supported in Internet Explorer , So in order to run this in latest browsers we will change the <bgsound> tag with <embed> tag.

So replace the code for audio source with below code:

<embed src="/`mimeURL(~service="itsmobile", ~theme=99, ~language="", ~name="sounds/all/sapsounderr.wav")`" height="0px" width="0px" loop="3" >

In “src” you can give path of Custom sound which can be uploaded in SAP  by creating a mime object .

This solves the problem of having no sound in  ITS in Web browsers (PC ONLY) . For mobile browsers please follow further instructions :-

For giving sound notification in mobile browser we need to enable the auto play of audio in mobile browser.

Here I am taking the example of chrome :-

Just goto CHROME://FLAGS in Chrome mobile browser.

And search for :

Then change this policy to :

And then select relaunch now.

After this you will be able to give audio notification with messages in RF Scanner with ITS in Mobile and PC browsers.


Thanks to author Kunal Malhotra

Ayhan Akkaya labelled the post as KT - Document — 3 years ago
Ayhan Akkaya marked this post as Resolved — 3 years ago
Ayhan Akkaya labelled the post as KT - Document — 3 years ago
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