Anonymous User
  Sunday, 12 April 2020
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Where should Posting goods issue occur from Extended Warehouse Management (EWM) and Transportation management (TM) simplified in embedded TM in S/4HANA?

SAP embedded Transportation Management ( TM ) in 1709 release with several simplifications in business process / functionalities and this process of further simplifications are being continued in every releases of s74HAN. My present blog is to ‘Post Goods issue in ERP delivery from TM’.

Standalone TM requires Web service , batch program to ‘Post Goods issue in ERP delivery’ as described in SAP Help document in below link Posting of Goods Issue from TM has now been simplified significantly in embedded TM of S/4HANA as shown in below image.

 When the picking and loading of goods are complete and the event ‘Departure’ is set in Freight order (FO) of embedded TM, then ‘Post goods issue (PGI)’ is done immediately on the S/4HANA outbound delivery as shown in below image. Check the timestamp on event ‘Departure’ in FO and ‘Goods issue’ in S/4HANA delivery showing ‘Immediate processing’.

Note the important settings to achieve this functionality of ‘Post Goods issue in ERP delivery from TM’ in SAP IMG menu path ransportation management->Freight order management->Freight order->Define freight order types.

Also note the following

  • The event to trigger ‘Post goods issue’ need not be ‘Departure’, it can also be like ‘Loading end’ etc to suit or map the corresponding business scenario / process.
  • Business process considered in this blog corresponds to ‘Goods issue’ from Inventory managed (IM) storage location i.e not from an EWM (Extended warehouse management) managed storage location. Business / customers generally prefer to trigger ‘Goods issue’ from EWM if the goods are issued from EWM managed storage location
  • Test scenario in this blog is from S/4HANA 1909 release, however this functionality can also be achieved with S/4HANA 1809 release as stated in SAP note 280773 with implementation of SAP notes 2766523 and 2744113.

This synchronous posting of Goods issue on S/4HANA delivery from embedded TM will reduce the co-ordination between Transportation execution & order management team and manual effort with improvement in efficiency in Supply chain execution.

This blog is based on my personal tests and observations. Will appreciate your feedback, comments, suggestions.

With regards,


PGI occurs after Loading is completed and truck departure & saves.


Ayhan Akkaya

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