Anonymous User
  Monday, 21 December 2020
  1 Replies
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Can you please tell how to automate Inbound Warehouse Task creation?




To create a warehouse task automatically for putaway once you do the good receipt in inbound delivery. It can be achieved by PPF Action.
Note : PPF → it is a tool to automate the actions for business.
Step 1: go to define action profile (Application :/SCDL/DELIVERY) find the action profile for inbound delivery.
Step 2: select the action profile and click on action definition a set of actions will appear. note down this action definition for creating a warehouse task for putaway as shown in this diagram below.
Note 1: Action profile :An action profile contains the set of allowed actions. Action profile contain several actions.
Note 2: Action definition: action definition describes the content of an action independently of the processing type. It can be a process that is scheduled for an application document under specific condition which can be started either immediately or later.

Step 3: Go to SPRO → EWM → cross process setting → delivery warehouse request → actions → configuration action scheduling → assign determination procedure
we need to assign mandatory fields such as Action definitions, warehouse number , document category ,document type and determination process delivery.
Note: Procedure       = ODWPT
         Condition type = ODWT
Step 4: assign the sequence for determination procedure for PPF configuration. We can maintain the sequence based on the combination of these fields.
Step 5: Go to /SCWM/DLVPPFC and maintain the conditions records and assign the action , document type goods movements status , change mode , warehouse number so based on this condition record a PPF action will be triggered.
Step 6: Go to VL31N create inbound delivery and this will be distributed in WMS.
Step 7: Go to /SCWM/PRDI/ (maintain inbound delivery) and do the goods receipt. Once the good receipt status is completed immediately a PPF action will triggered a warehouse task is created automatically.
Ayhan Akkaya updated the category from Goods Receipt to Goods Receipt — 1 year ago
Ayhan Akkaya set the post as Normal priority — 1 year ago
Ayhan Akkaya set the type of the post as  PPF — 1 year ago
Ayhan Akkaya labelled the post as IMG — 1 year ago
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