Anonymous User
  Sunday, 02 May 2021
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BIN split is required when BIN capacity is less than the stock which must be put-away. If BIN capacity is 20 KG and stock is of 40 KG then stock should split up into 2 BINS.


For storage type ST02, all the BINS have capacity of 20 KG.


Change the storage type ST02 with “Split during put-away”.


Create inbound delivery in SAP ECC.

Check ASN in SAP EWM.

Here the quantity is 40 KG , while BIN has only 20 KG of capacity therefore system must split the BIN during the putaway.


Create Inbound delivery in SAP EWM.

Perform GR

Create warehouse task.

Click on the “Create” button and we’ll see that there is a BIN split during put-away


Thanks to author Rahul Gupta



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Ayhan Akkaya labelled the post as KT - Document — 3 years ago
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