Sunday, 02 May 2021
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Inventory managers can use this report extensively to check and compare the stock data between the SAP Extended Warehouse Management and SAP ERP system.
If the stock data is different in the SAP EWM system and SAP ERP system, the system uses the stock data in the SAP EWM system as the information for the correct stock and its very important step to ensure that stock discrepancy isn’t there and all queues hanging are cleared.
If business are not adhering to clearing these differences entries in day to day basis then stock discrepancy, variances can impact warehouse , logistics KPI and entire supply chain inventory operations, planning & finance.
  • The stock comparison report reads the stock figures in ECC and compare them with EWM. The report will show in case of differences, the differences in detail.

  • Compare stock between EWM and ECC

    • If stock inconsistencies occur between ERP and EWM, you can identify andcorrect the inconsistencies from the EWM
    • The stock comparison report assumes that the EWM stock level is correct and adjusts the stock situation in ERP based on the EWM stock
    • Transaction: /SCWM/ERP_STOCKCHECK

  • Display material document in ECC

    • Transaction: MB51


Ayhan Akkaya labelled the post as KT - Document — 3 years ago
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Ayhan Akkaya labelled the post as KT - Document — 3 years ago
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