Monday, 17 February 2020
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This blog is conceptualized on topic of ” How Shipping point determination happens in EWM when Warehouse is connected to multiple goods receiving and good shipping offices.


Why we need this set up?

There can be the cases when the EWM warehouse can be connected with multiple plants and all the stock of different plants is available in 1 Warehouse as each plants will be having its own ownership of stock. Once customer order is arrived, it would required to ship the delivery from different shipping points.

In case of Inbound, goods coming from vendor can be received from multiple Goods receiving points for each plants.


Mechanism of Shipping point determination in EWM

During Inbound or outbound delivery creation in ERP, system picks the relevant shipping points based on settings of OVL2 and master data set up. The relevant shipping points assigned in ERP delivery documents is transferred to EWM system.

–> But during creating delivery document in EWM, the EWM specific shipping point determination runs which doesn’t take the outputs of the ERP shipping point determination into consideration. EWM shipping points determinations has its own separate logic.

  • EWM first reads the shipping points assigned  as Shipping office( SO) for outbound delivery and Goods receipt office as (RO) in Supply chain Unit, in case of single shipping point.

—>The standard determination logic is in the class /SCWM/CL_EI_DLV_OFFICE_DET(Fallback class) which is called in Badi /SCWM/EX_DLV_OFFICE_DET.

For determination of EWM specific shipping point, system check 2 values

  1. sc_party_role_ro(goods receipt point) for inbound delivery and expected goods receipt, 
  2. sc_party_role_so( shipping office) for outbound delivery.

If warehouse is connected to multiple shipping points, you need to create SCU manually in EWM.

Execute t code /SCMB/SCUMAIN. Use location type 1003 for shipping point and chose create. On the business attribute tab, use RO and SO.

Now, it is required to create SCU hierarchy for the above Shipping point SCU in /SCMB/SCUHIERMAIN.

Latter, you need to assign multiple goods receipt offices and shipping offices to a warehouse in the hierarachy of the supply chain unit .

 When multiple shipping points are used in EWM, it is required to use a Badi /SCWM/EX_DLV_OFFICE_DET


There is fallback class /SCWM/CL_EI_DLV_OFFICE_DET which looks into the old logic of shipping point determination from Warehouse.

But if you have activate the new logic,shipping point determination sent from ERP delivery document is transferred to EWM delivery documents,and this fallback class is ignored.

To activate the new logic, create your own implementation of the BAdi


This badi calls the class /SCWM/CL_EI_DLV_OFFICE_DETER( new logic) which looks into the shipping points sent from ERP delivery documents (IBD, PDI, EGR) instead of old logic. If this badi is not activated, system looks into old fallback class.



Hence, the topic ends here. Corrections and improvements required to make this blog more useful is welcome.


Best regards

Shailesh Mishra

Accepted Answer


This blog is conceptualized on topic of ” How Shipping point determination happens in EWM when Warehouse is connected to multiple goods receiving and good shipping offices.


Why we need this set up?

There can be the cases when the EWM warehouse can be connected with multiple plants and all the stock of different plants is available in 1 Warehouse as each plants will be having its own ownership of stock. Once customer order is arrived, it would required to ship the delivery from different shipping points.

In case of Inbound, goods coming from vendor can be received from multiple Goods receiving points for each plants.


Mechanism of Shipping point determination in EWM

During Inbound or outbound delivery creation in ERP, system picks the relevant shipping points based on settings of OVL2 and master data set up. The relevant shipping points assigned in ERP delivery documents is transferred to EWM system.

–> But during creating delivery document in EWM, the EWM specific shipping point determination runs which doesn’t take the outputs of the ERP shipping point determination into consideration. EWM shipping points determinations has its own separate logic.

  • EWM first reads the shipping points assigned  as Shipping office( SO) for outbound delivery and Goods receipt office as (RO) in Supply chain Unit, in case of single shipping point.

—>The standard determination logic is in the class /SCWM/CL_EI_DLV_OFFICE_DET(Fallback class) which is called in Badi /SCWM/EX_DLV_OFFICE_DET.

For determination of EWM specific shipping point, system check 2 values

  1. sc_party_role_ro(goods receipt point) for inbound delivery and expected goods receipt, 
  2. sc_party_role_so( shipping office) for outbound delivery.

If warehouse is connected to multiple shipping points, you need to create SCU manually in EWM.

Execute t code /SCMB/SCUMAIN. Use location type 1003 for shipping point and chose create. On the business attribute tab, use RO and SO.

Now, it is required to create SCU hierarchy for the above Shipping point SCU in /SCMB/SCUHIERMAIN.

Latter, you need to assign multiple goods receipt offices and shipping offices to a warehouse in the hierarachy of the supply chain unit .

 When multiple shipping points are used in EWM, it is required to use a Badi /SCWM/EX_DLV_OFFICE_DET


There is fallback class /SCWM/CL_EI_DLV_OFFICE_DET which looks into the old logic of shipping point determination from Warehouse.

But if you have activate the new logic,shipping point determination sent from ERP delivery document is transferred to EWM delivery documents,and this fallback class is ignored.

To activate the new logic, create your own implementation of the BAdi


This badi calls the class /SCWM/CL_EI_DLV_OFFICE_DETER( new logic) which looks into the shipping points sent from ERP delivery documents (IBD, PDI, EGR) instead of old logic. If this badi is not activated, system looks into old fallback class.



Hence, the topic ends here. Corrections and improvements required to make this blog more useful is welcome.


Best regards

Shailesh Mishra

Ayhan Akkaya selected the reply #398 as the answer for this post — 3 years ago
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