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  Sunday, 09 February 2020
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What are the standard options available for mapping EWM reason codes with ERP Movement Types?



Manage Reasons for Goods Movement


Warehouse workers or warehouse supervisors enter postings changes for goods in SAP EWM. SAP EWM sends these posting changes to SAP ERP as goods movement postings. The user can enter a reason for the warehouse movement in SAP EWM.

It is not mandatory to enter a reason for movement in SAP EWM. However, specific movement types in SAP ERP might require a reason for movement, or you might want to record the reason for certain movements for later analysis of why stock was posted to certain stock types.

In this Customizing activity, you group reasons for warehouse movements that should be used in the same posting change context into reason groups. You also define the posting change contexts in which you want it to be mandatory to enter a reason for the goods movement.


You have defined the reasons for movements in the warehouse in the Customizing activity Define Reasons for Warehouse Movements.

If you need to record the reason for movement in SAP ERP material documents, you must map the reasons for movement in SAP EWM to the reasons for movement in SAP ERP in the Customizing activity Map EWM Reason Code to ERP Reason for Movement.

Standard settings

Reasons for movements are optional in SAP EWM. In the standard system, there are no predefined reasons, reason groups, or mapping between reasons in SAP EWM and SAP ERP.


    1. Define the reason groups and assign the reasons for movements to that group in the activity.
Reason Group.
    You can group reasons by any criteria, for example, you could group reasons with similar semantics or reasons that should be used together in the same posting change context.
    If you want to use a default reason that is automatically filled in a specific context, you can define a reason group with only one reason assigned to it. Then, once the reason group is assigned to the context, the system fills in the reason automatically in that context.
    2. Define the posting change contexts in which it is mandatory to enter a reason for the posting change by assigning a reason group to that context in the activity.
Reason for Movement Required.
    When posting change context has a reason group assigned to it, the system always requests the reason code for posting changes in that context. The user is able to choose a reason code from the reason codes in the reason group specific to that context only.
    If you want the user to be able to choose any reason in a context, leave the
Reason Group field empty.


Handling units with stock items were accidentally damaged during warehouse activities. A warehouse clerk posts the stock items to a stock type for blocked stock. The warehouse clerk enters the handling unit number and stock quantities to be blocked, the blocked stock type, a warehouse process type for follow-up activities, and a reason for the posting change. The warehouse clerk uses the reason Clarification to indicate that the stock is blocked while a warehouse worker clarifies whether it can still be sold or whether it is damaged beyond repair and has to be scrapped.

You have defined a reason group to group reasons for movements that lead to posting stock to a blocked stock type. The reason group is named BLOC and contains the following reasons:

  • CLAR - Clarification required
  • CLEA - Cleaning required
  • DAM - Damaged in warehouse
  • QQX - Quality no longer sufficient

You have assigned this reason group to the posting change context in the activity Reason for Movement Required, as follows:

  • Warehouse: W001
  • GoodsMvt.Code: 01 Posting Change (/SCWM/POST)
  • Whs.ProcType: Z420
  • Reason Group: BLOC

If the reason must be contained in the material document in SAP ERP as well, you have mapped the reason for movement in SAP EWM and the reason for movement in SAP ERP in the Customizing activity Map EWM Reason Code to ERP Reason for Movement.":- Copied from SAP Configuration Documentation => SPRO->Extended Warehouse Management->Cross-Process Settings->Warehouse Task->Manage Reasons for Goods Movement

Addition to above, the specified reason code ( Reason/ Reason for movement in ECC which has mapped in ERP-EWM interface ) must customize in ECC (Tcode OMJJ) for visible in Material Document/Reporting.

Thanks to poster Ajit Routrey
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