Saturday, 03 November 2018
  2 Replies
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I get a message  no /SCWM/DELIVERY-CONF813 in SMQ2 and my EGR is got stacked.

Accepted Answer

Quantity role Total Purchase Order Quantity (PQTOT) required for tolerance check for reference document






For the current item, ERP specifies that the tolerance check is carried out based on the quantity of the reference document (purchase order or manufacturing order). The respective quantity is saved in quantity role Total Purchase Order Quantity (PQTOT). This quantity role is inactive for the item type.


 System Response


 The system is unable to save the document.




Inform the system administrator.


Procedure for System Administration

Check and correct the settings in Customizing.


In the Implementation Guide (IMG) for Extended Warehouse Management, choose 


Cross-Process Settings -> Delivery Processing -> Quantity Offsetting -> Define Quantity Offsetting Profiles. 


Select the quantity offsetting profile and choose Assignment of Quantity Roles in the dialog structure. 


Check that Inactive is not set for the appropriate quantity role.



When you receive an inbound delivery and specify the delivered quantity, Extended Warehouse Management (EWM) checks if the tolerance for an overdelivery was kept.You can check, reset, or, if necessary, manually overwrite the inspection result.



EWM only performs this check for inbound deliveries or for expected goods receipts.

EWM compares the data of the inbound delivery or the expected goods receipt with the data from the purchase order in SAP ERP or the delivery data in EWM.The decision whether EWM is to check of the purchase order data in SAP ERP or the delivery data in EWM is made in SAP ERP.

EWM copies the quantities and unit of measure from the purchase order or from the order in SAP ERP to an inbound delivery or an expected goods receipt.EWM saves this data as quantity roll PQTOT Total Purchase Order , or PPQTOT Total Order Quantity. For more information, see the Implementation Guide (IMG) for EWM underCross-Process Settings  Delivery Processing  Quantity Offsetting  Define Quantity Roles and Quantity Types.



In Customizing for EWM in Status Management, you have set the status type DTL Check Tolerance for the delivery item to active. That means you have not set the Inactive indicator.For more information, see the IMG for EWM under Cross-Process Settings  Delivery Processing  Status Management  Define Status Profiles.

In Customizing for EWM, you have set the PQTOT Total Purchase Order Quantity or PPQTOT Total Order Quantity to active. That means you have not set the Inactive indicator.For more information, see the IMG for EWM under Cross-Process Settings  Delivery Processing  Quantity Offsetting  Define Quantity Offsetting Profiles.


When EWM generates an inbound delivery, it checks the data for a quantity tolerance according to the Customizing settings in EWM.If the check is positive, that is, if EWM does not block any delivery item, you can post the goods receipt, and EWM generates the related warehouse tasks.EWM performs this check in the following cases:

If you change the tolerance for an overdelivery of a delivery item, or the related unit of measure

If you choose  Check on the user interface of the inbound delivery

Based on the inspection results, EWM sets the status for the status type DTL Check Tolerance. You can check or reset the inspection result. If the check is negative, you can accept the result despite this before you book the goods receipt.


This graphic is explained in the accompanying text.

The tolerance check of the purchase order item can also take into account quantities from other delivery items that refer to the same purchase order.If you, for example, make a quantity change in such a case after EWM has performed the tolerance check for an overdelivery, you can manually trigger the check for the current delivery item.Choose  with the quick info text Check .EWM performs the check using the new data.

Checking the Tolerance for Overdelivery, Goods Receipt Posting and Warehouse Tasks

You check the products that have been delivered directly on site, perform changes for the tolerance check if necessary, and post the goods receipt.

If EWM sets the status Not OK for the tolerance check, the delivery item is inconsistent.You cannot post a goods receipt for this delivery item.However, you can manually approve the tolerance check and as a result accept an overdelivery.EWM sets the status OK, manually for the tolerance check. You can post the goods receipt.

If you have mistakenly performed the check on the tolerance check for an incorrect delivery item, you can manually reset the status of the tolerance check for this delivery item.



If you want to manually approve or reset the check, you can, for example, perform one of the following options:

For manually approving or resetting within the inbound delivery, on the SAP Easy Access screen, chooseExtended Warehouse Management  Delivery Processing  Inbound Delivery  Maintain Inbound Delivery. Display the inbound delivery in the list view, and choose the arrow  on the right-hand side of BBD/Tolerance and Appro ve BBD Violation or Reset BBD Violation.

For manually approving or resetting within the physical goods receipt, on the SAP Easy Access screen, chooseExtended Warehouse Management  Delivery Processing  Inbound Delivery  Physical Goods Receipt. Display the inbound delivery in the list view, and choose the arrow  on the right-hand side of  Blocked Status and Approve Tolerance Violation or Reset Tolerance Violation.

Accepted Answer

Quantity role Total Purchase Order Quantity (PQTOT) required for tolerance check for reference document






For the current item, ERP specifies that the tolerance check is carried out based on the quantity of the reference document (purchase order or manufacturing order). The respective quantity is saved in quantity role Total Purchase Order Quantity (PQTOT). This quantity role is inactive for the item type.


 System Response


 The system is unable to save the document.




Inform the system administrator.


Procedure for System Administration

Check and correct the settings in Customizing.


In the Implementation Guide (IMG) for Extended Warehouse Management, choose 


Cross-Process Settings -> Delivery Processing -> Quantity Offsetting -> Define Quantity Offsetting Profiles. 


Select the quantity offsetting profile and choose Assignment of Quantity Roles in the dialog structure. 


Check that Inactive is not set for the appropriate quantity role.


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