Thursday, 18 July 2019
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We have an ECC Core and EWM & TM as a sidecar solution on S/4HANA 1809 FSP02 landscape.

Do we need CVI activated for BP's (Business partners in ECC)?




There are multiple scenarios:


  1. ECC Core & S/4HANA only EWM sidecar
  2. ECC Core & S/4HANA only TM sidecar
  3. ECC Core & S/4HANA EWM & TM sidecar in the same client


1-In this scenario for EWM: S/4HANA requires CVI mandatory, on the ECC side it is optional, not mandatory

2-In this scenario for TM: CVI mandatory for both on the ECC & S/4HANA. It is NOT optional, both are mandatory

3-In this complex one client scenario: ECC & S/4HANA both requires CVI mandatory with plenty of precondition as below list:


Under specific boundary conditions the usage of decentralized EWM on S/4HANA and side-by-side Transportation Management in the same system and client is released as SAP standard functionality. The SAP note on hand provides detailed information on the boundary conditions which must be fulfilled.
In short: these boundary conditions will be fulfilled in case that the following 4 setup conditions are true:

only a single ERP system is integrated with decentralized EWM on S/4HANA

1. customer master records and vendor master records do not have overlapping number range intervals in the ERP system

2. Customer Vendor Integration (CVI) is activated in the ERP system such that the Business Partner Number has same value as the related customer or vendor

3. DRF based business partner (BP) master replication is used such that in the receiving EWM & TM system the BP number is used as external number for the customer & vendor master record creation within CVI, and the corresponding key mapping data is created for business partner, customer and vendor.

4. The boundary conditions cannot be fulfilled with SAP standard functionality for such ERP systems which have overlapping number ranges for customer master and vendor master records.


Boundary Conditions which must be fulfilled for using TM and EWM in the same SAP S/4HANA system and client as decentralized side-by-side Supply Chain Execution (SCE) solution:

The connected ERP system is a SAP ECC EHP5 or higher, or it is a SAP S/4HANA system.

• The material master replication from a source ERP system (SAP ECC or SAP S/4HANA) must not create a different material number in the receiving EWM & TM system than the material number of the sender ERP system.

• Business partner number, vendor number and customer number in the receiving EWM & TM system must have the same value as in the connected ERP system. A renumbering in the receiving system must not happen for all three entities.

• It is mandatory that so-called key-mapping data (UKMS) is created in the TM & EWM system for customer, vendor and business partner.

• Central ERP master data (material, customer, vendor) shall be created in the TM & EWM system only via replication from the connected ERP system. Otherwise processes which are initiated locally by EWM might result in errors when being communicated to the connected ERP system which might not know the master data keys.

• The above conditions for business partner, customer and vendor master can be fulfilled by the following setup:

  1. non-overlapping keys of customer numbers and vendor numbers in the ERP system (which could be SAP ECC or SAP S/4HANA)
  2. active CVI in the ERP system, which leads to the existence of business partner master in the ERP system
  3. setup of CVI in the ERP system such that the business partner number is always identical to the customer or vendor number. The required setup 'same number' for the Business Partner can be found in the customizing of the ERP system in IMG path 'Cross-Application Components -> Master Data Synchronization -> Customer/Vendor Integration -> Business Partner Settings -> Settings for Vendor Integration -> Field Assignment for Vendor Integration -> Assign Keys -> Define Number Assignment for Direction Vendor to BP' and therein the field 'Same Number'. Similar customizing is existing for the customer master in the area 'Business Partner Settings'.
  4. replication of business partner master from ERP to TM & EWM system by using DRF as described in the implementation guide of side-by-side TM, see SAP note 2663403. This enables for the creation of key-mapping data in the receiving system.
  5. setup of CVI in the receiving TM & EWM system in a way that for Business Partners with role customer/vendor a customer/vendor master record is created with the key value of the received business partner number. The required setup 'same number' for the vendor can be found in the customizing of the TM & EWM system in IMG path 'Cross-Application Components -> Master Data Synchronization -> Customer/Vendor Integration -> Business Partner Settings -> Settings for Vendor Integration -> Field Assignment for Vendor Integration -> Assign Keys -> Define Number Assignment for Direction BP to Supplier'. Similar customizing is existing for the customer master in the area 'Business Partner Settings'.

Technical Background Information:

  • The side-by-side TM in S/4HANA requires activated Customer Vendor Integration (CVI) in the connected remote ERP systems. This holds true for SAP S/4HANA ERP systems and for SAP ECC systems. With active CVI in ERP systems there is always a business partner master existing for a customer master and a vendor master. Therefore, the business partner master can be treated as the leading master data entity (for central attributes like address information as used in logistic applications TM and EWM). Thus, the business partner master is used as the source entity for master data replication from a ERP system to a side-by-side TM system based on SAP S/4HANA. This business partner master replication can be done by using Data Replication Framework (DRF) as described in the implementation guide of side-by-side TM in S/4HANA, see SAP note 2663403. This DRF based replication creates so-called key-mapping data in the receiving TM system to allow for integration with multiple ERP systems with overlapping and non-harmonized business partner numbers and customer/vendor numbers. The side-by-side TM in S/4HANA requires this key-mapping data to exist in the side-by-side TM system. In case that this key-mapping data is not existing then the TM application raises technical errors, and the TM-ERP interface is not functioning.
  • The decentralized EWM on S/4HANA does not require active CVI in the connected ERP system to not force customers to activate CVI in SAP ECC systems just for the reason to implement a decentralized EWM system. Decentralized EWM is released for integration with SAP ECC systems with active CVI but also with non-activated CVI. Therefore, the business partner master in the connected ERP system SAP ECC is optional. Consequently, the integration guide for decentralized EWM on SAP S/4HANA (see SAP note 2782080) is using customer master and vendor master of the SAP ECC or SAP S/4HANA ERP system as the source entity for master data replication of customer and vendor master data. The available ALE/IDOC based standard interfaces for customer and vendor master are also creating business partner master in the receiving EWM system due to the mandatory active CVI in SAP S/4HANA systems, and EWM is using these business partner master data. These IDOC interfaces are not creating the key-mapping data which is required in case that also TM shall be used in this system & client. With the ALE/IDOC based interface it is ensured that the customer number and the vendor number in the receiving EWM system has the same value as in the connected source ERP system, it is ensured that no re-numbering can take place in the replication. Therefore, in current released version of decentralized EWM on S/4HANA, the key-mapping feature for business partner number, vendor number and customer number are not released as a standard feature for EWM, i.e. is not used by EWM.
  • Around material master replication both applications TM and EWM are compatible because for the material master the TM application is not requiring key-mapping data as mandatory. In case that no key-mapping information for material number is existing in the side-by-side TM system the application assumes identical key values in TM and ERP system. The same is true for decentralized EWM on S/4HANA. Therefore, side-by-side TM in S/4HANA can run error free also with ALE/IDOC based material master distribution from ERP (which is not creating key-mapping data) as described in the integration guide for decentralized EWM on SAP S/4HANA. The ALE/IDOC based material master distribution has advantages especially when also batch master (and batch characteristics) shall be replicated, like it is required in many EWM implementations.
  • In general, the EWM application cannot identify which master records of central ERP master data entities (material, customer, vendor, business partner) were received via replication from the connected ERP system or have been locally created. The root cause of this feature is the fact that current released version of EWM is not using key-mapping data (which also provides information about the ERP system where this master record is known). This holds true even in case that the key-mapping data does exist in the decentralized EWM on S/4HANA system.
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