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  Thursday, 15 August 2024
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Today, I would like to give you a quick update on the Customer Connection enhancements we have recently delivered. You can find our Customer Connection delta report by accessing our “Update on SAP Customer Connection EWM 2019 – Overview of new features” presentation.For context, on January 2020, we have prepared and shared a presentation detailing all of the delivered Customer Connection enhancements up to that point. In case you have missed it, or would like a refresher you can find it by accessing the following link to our “Update on SAP Customer Connection EWM 2019 – Overview about available features” presentation.Furthermore, we have introduced the enhancements brought via our Customer Connect program to our standard releases beginning with the release of SAP EWM S/4HANA 1909 Feature Pack 1. You can explore these enhancements by accessing our “What’s New in SAP EWM S/4HANA 1909 FSP1” presentation.Let me highlight some of the new enhancement:In the area of Inbound Processes, we have improved the warehouse task creation log by adding additional messages and longtexts which provide more detail about the customizing settings which lead to storage bin determination. Additionally, it is now possible to pack based on a package specification for the inbound process and receive a packing proposal with the option to change certain quantities. For this, we added a new “Pack Manually” button in the “Work Center Packing for Inbound Delivery”.Our Production Integration related improvements are focused on enhancing the integration with manufacturing in two ways. Firstly, it is now possible to release part of the quantity in a staged handling unit so that other manufacturing orders can use the staged stock. Secondly, after the production or process order is released, the system automatically creates, updates, or deletes documents for the expected goods receipt in SAP Extended Warehouse Management. Aside from manufacturing, we have also improved the replenishment process by having the order related replenishment consider batches that are requested in the outbound deliveries. Thus, the proposed replenishment quantities will be more accurate. Requested batches are provided for picking.For Internal Processes, we have improved the stock planning process and user experience by enhancing the report /SCWM/R_STOCK_TYPE_CHANGE with some additional features. Firstly, we added the option ‘Build material Documents per Material’ which will enable the system to create the posting changes/material documents per material, which will result into one queue entry per material document. Secondly, we have also added a new field ‘Goods Receipt Date’ which can be used to find/select old stock in the warehouse and to trigger a posting change for such stock.For a more detailed look of these topics, as well as the note numbers and a glimpse at the remaining topics to be delivered, I highly recommend you access the presentation we mentioned in the beginning “Update on SAP Customer Connection EWM 2019 – Overview of new features” presentation.We will provide a complete Customer Connection report as soon as all remaining topics will be out, so please stay tuned.


Thanks to author Jörg Michaelis

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