Thursday, 02 December 2021
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Today I would like to highlight another solution coming from our SAP Consulting Digital Supply Chain, the PM(EAM)- EWM Integration.

SAP EWM warehouse offers benefits to streamline warehouse operation, Increase productivity and accuracy. SAP PM(EAM) automates the process of performing facility repair and maintenance requests of assets. The maintenance PM order-driven warehouse operation is critical for timely availability of spare parts and shortening repair time. The SAP EWM integration with SAP PM(EAM) allows easy adaptation and usage with fast time to value and a low TCO for customers.

Motivation and Scope

  • No standard integration available to process the PM order and reservation in EWM system
  • Lack of experience in custom EWM-PM integration, and warehouse process design based on PM order management
  • Complex PM order management for maintenance for massive assets maintenance (Mining, Oil & Gas, etc.)

Customer Requirements

  • Manage MRO items in EWM managed warehouse
  • Pick based on PM Order / Reservation
  • Pack/kit the component based for PM order /operation
  • Ability to handle the returns from maintenance workshop
  • Ability to change, reschedule the PM order
  • Ability to leverage handheld RF device/Fiori apps

Key Benefits

The main objective of the PM(EAM) – EWM integration is to increase the efficiency, integration and visibility across warehouse execution. This is achieved through the following benefits:

  • Improved Integration packaged deployed successfully at multiple customer place
  • Flexibility to incorporate the customer specific requirements from PM order for Integration and warehouse operations
  • Different options to choose for integration approach (delivery or PMR) based on the type of the customer’s industry (Mining / Oil & Gas /Manufacturing) and process complexity
  • Leverage EWM standard warehouse process capability and functionalities for all core process including handheld RF device.
  • Optimize the warehouse operation by leveraging the consolidation, cross dock based on PM order
  • Process and Industry expertise on PM order and warehouse management

Supported Scenario

  • Integrate PM WO and Reservation with EWM
  • Integrate PM WO via EWM Delivery or EWM PMR approach
  • WO based outbound process (pick, pack/Kit, stage) and returns process
  • Warehouse Reporting based on WO/reservation like recipient, Base start date, unloading point

Technical Architecture

  • EWM in S/4HANA Decentralized or Embedded or EWM 9.x as addon to SAP ERP 6.0 EhP8 or higher
  • Standard ERP-EWM connectivity and Outbound process integrated with EWM


Delivery based integration

Generate deliveries report and logs

Delivery creation report

  • All previously created deliveries are taken into account and open quantity is calculated
  • Option to change quantity and remove selected items
  • Monitor report fields
  • Quantity: Open (editable), Delivery Created, Requested, Withdrawn
  • PM order\Reservation fields

EWM Monitor with PM relevant documents selection fields

EWM Monitor report output with PM relevant documents and fields

PMR based integration

Service Outlook

This service has been live since 02/21/2020. However, the Consulting Service will not stop there. New functionalities like free text in inbound and other related Fiori improvement will come in next release. Whereby new customer requirements will be used to build in some further functionality.

When we look into future functionality of EWM we have to mention that PM integration is part of the actual roadmap and it is planned to be release in Q4 2021. For a more detailed look on our next releases please check out the roadmap explorer:;INNO=089E017A62AB1EDA8EF0F1AED61B60E0

If you have more questions regarding this integration topic, please contact:

Pavel Rovenskiy (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) , Yogesh Patankar (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Suraj Tatpalliwar (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), John Payne (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


This service is offered as an Add-on to enhance the SAP EWM solution. You can find this Add-on as part of the Consulting Solution “Enhancement service for SAP EWM”, which you can find in our Services and Support catalogue by accessing the following link:


Thanks to author Joerg Michaelis

August 27, 2020


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