Monday, 15 October 2018
  8 Replies
  16.8K Visits
Accepted Answer

The main purpose of this posting is to share about EWM-QM integration setup and transaction processing with one example.


Usual SAP Consultants are seen about integration between WM and QM in ECC system, Integration between EWM and QM in decentral system.  But many has confusion about how EWM-QM solution works in Embedded S/4HANA system 1709 and above.


This posting will help to people who are working on S/4HANA 1809 and above implementation projects.

Below is the inspection process flow diagram at high level.  Below we will see all configuration requirements and transactional steps execution.


1. Edit Code Groups and Codes for Usage Decisions

IMG Path Quality Management --> Quality Inspection --> Inspection Lot Completion --> Edit Code Groups and Codes for Usage Decisions


2. Maintain Inspection Type

IMG Path Quality Management --> Quality Inspection --> Inspection Lot Creation --> Maintain Inspection Types


3. Maintain Inspection Lot Origins and Assign Inspection Types

IMG Path Quality Management --> Quality Inspection --> Inspection Lot Creation --> Maintain Inspection Lot Origins and Assign Inspection Types

4. Define Default Values for Inspection Type

IMG Path Quality Management --> Quality Inspection --> Inspection Lot Creation --> Define Default Values for Inspection Type

5. Define Stock Types

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Master Data --> Product --> Define Stock Types

6. Define Storage Type

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Master Data --> Define Storage Type


7. Define Process-Oriented Storage Control (Storage Process Definition)

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Cross-Process Settings --> Warehouse Task --> Define Process-Oriented Storage Control

8. Define Warehouse Process Type

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Cross-Process Settings --> Warehouse Task --> Define Warehouse Process Type

9. Define Control Indicators for Determining Warehouse Process Type

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Cross-Process Settings --> Warehouse Task --> Define Control Indicators for Determining Warehouse Process Type

10. Determine Warehouse Process Type

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Cross-Process Settings --> Warehouse Task --> Determine Warehouse Process Type

  1. Generate Activity Area from Storage Type
IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Master Data --> Activity Areas --> Generate Activity Area from Storage Type

12. Define Sort Sequence for Activity Area

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Master Data --> Activity Areas --> Define Sort Sequence for Activity Area

13. Define Storage Section

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Master Data --> Define Storage Section

14. Define Process-Oriented Storage Control

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Cross-Process Settings --> Warehouse Task --> Define Process-Oriented Storage Control


15. Define Storage Type Search Sequence for Putaway

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management  --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Goods Receipt Process --> Strategies --> Storage Type Search --> Define Storage Type Search Sequence for Putaway


16. Assign Storage Types to Storage Type Search Sequence

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management  --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Goods Receipt Process --> Strategies --> Storage Type Search --> Assign Storage Types to Storage Type Search Sequence


17. Specify Storage Type Search Sequence for Putaway

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management  --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Goods Receipt Process --> Strategies --> Storage Type Search --> Specify Storage Type Search Sequence for Putaway

18. Maintain Storage Section Search Sequence

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management  --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Goods Receipt Process --> Strategies --> Storage Section Search --> Maintain Storage Section Search Sequence

19. Warehouse-Dependent Activation of Inspection Object Type

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Cross Process Settings --> Quality Management--> Basics-->Warehouse-Dependent Activation of Inspection Object Type

IMG Path Quality Management --> Quality Inspection --> Inspection Lot Completion --> Define Inventory Postings

20. Edit Selected Sets for Usage Decision

IMG Path Quality Management --> Quality Inspection --> Inspection Lot Completion --> Edit Selected Sets for Usage Decision

21. Maintain Settings at Plant Level

IMG Path Quality Management --> Basic Settings --> Maintain Settings at Plant Level

22. Define Follow-Up Actions

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> Quality Management --> Quality Inspection --> Inspection Lot Completion --> Define Follow-Up Actions

23. Maintain Follow-Up Actions

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Cross Process Settings --> Quality Management -->  Result-->Maintain Follow-Up Actions

Other QM settings: Maintain Settings at Plant Level

Maintain Inspection Types

Maintain Inspection Lot Origins and Assign Inspection Types

Define Quality Score Procedure

Edit Code Groups and Codes for Usage Decisions

Decision codes

Edit Selected Sets for Usage Decisions

24. Specify Work Center Layout

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management  --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Master Data --> Work Center --> Specify Work Center Layout

25. Define Work Center

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management  --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Master Data --> Work Center --> Define Work Center

26. Assign Default Work Center for Inspections

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management  --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Cross-Process Settings --> Quality Management --> Result --> Assign Default Work Center for Inspections

27. Generate Inspection Object Types Version

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Cross Process Settings --> Quality Management--> Basics-->Generate Inspection Object Types Version
  1. On the Generate Inspection Object Types Version screen, select the line IOT 4.


  1. Press the button “Generate New Version”.


  1. Confirm the Pop-Up by pressing Enter.

28. Maintain Inspection Object Types Version

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Cross Process Settings --> Quality Management--> Basics--> Maintain Inspection Object Types Version

29. Inspection Rule

Transaction Code /SCWM/QRSETUP
Path Logistics-->SCM Extended Warehouse Management-->Extended Warehouse Management-->Master Data-->Quality Management-->Maintain Inspection Rule

30. Create Warehouse Product

In this step the products (the actual products as well as the packaging materials) which are used in the business processes are initially created as EWM warehouse products.

SAP Menu Logistics → SCM Extended Warehouse Management → Extended Warehouse Management → Master Data → Product → Maintain Warehouse Product
Transaction Code /SCWM/MAT1

On the Display/Change/Create Warehouse Product screen

31. Inspection Plan

Transaction Code QP01
Path Logistics-->Quality Management-->Quality Planning--> Inspection Planning--> Inspection Plan-->Create

32. Create Storage Bin

Transaction Code /SCWM/LS01
Path Logistics --> SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Master Data --> Storage Bin --> Create Storage Bin

33. Define Master Data Attributes for Work Center

Transaction Code /SCWM/TWORKST
Path Logistics-->SCM Extended Warehouse Management-->Extended Warehouse Management-->Master Data--> Work Center --> Define Master Data Attributes

34. Maintain packaging specification

Maintain packing requirements for product.

35. Transaction data:  Now we will the inbound flow for EWM-QM in S.4hana 1709 system.

Create Inbound Delivery.

Check PRDI for IBD and packing information.

Create warehouse task for the IBD.

Now go /SCWM/MON and check if the open unload task is available for confirmation.

Confirm in the background. GR will also be posted.

We can also observe the stock category and inspection lot

We can also check the inspection lot details in QA32/QA02.

Once unloading task is confirmed we can observe the Quality task got opened.  Confirm it to start the inspection process.

We can observe the GR posted.

After confirming the 2nd warehouse task final putaway task is still showing in waiting.  It will be opened when the inspection process is completed.

So stock is still in Q4 status.

Check QA32 for inspection lots created for this material and initiate the usage decision for it.

Here once we give the UD code as accepted, click on EWM inspection to check the details.

Another screen gets opened(/SCWM/QINSP_S4), here select the line item and click on Close HU and Save.

Once fllowup action given, close the HU.

We can also see the open warehouse tasks which are pending for usage decision in /SCWM/QINSP_S4.

Now refresh the MON and see if the waiting task is open

Here we can observe Posting change happened to Q4 TO F2. Final task opened with Stock status F2.

Confirm the warehouse task

Final dashboard of monitor

Inspection Lot details can be seen in QALS table.

Check MMBE

We can see the material document created for stock change(PCN-321) and the goods receipt posting 101 movement also can be observed.



Some time back when one of my client asked to show demo in S/4system about QM inspection process, I struggled a lot to build the end to end flow and not found much information in any website.

Considering that in mind, I want to share the process I built for my client.  This may not be the only process we can build but, using this as a reference you can build more complex scenarios based on your client’s requirement.



Hari Krishna Yerramsetti


-----------End of Document -------------

Accepted Answer

The main purpose of this posting is to share about EWM-QM integration setup and transaction processing with one example.


Usual SAP Consultants are seen about integration between WM and QM in ECC system, Integration between EWM and QM in decentral system.  But many has confusion about how EWM-QM solution works in Embedded S/4HANA system 1709 and above.


This posting will help to people who are working on S/4HANA 1809 and above implementation projects.

Below is the inspection process flow diagram at high level.  Below we will see all configuration requirements and transactional steps execution.


1. Edit Code Groups and Codes for Usage Decisions

IMG Path Quality Management --> Quality Inspection --> Inspection Lot Completion --> Edit Code Groups and Codes for Usage Decisions


2. Maintain Inspection Type

IMG Path Quality Management --> Quality Inspection --> Inspection Lot Creation --> Maintain Inspection Types


3. Maintain Inspection Lot Origins and Assign Inspection Types

IMG Path Quality Management --> Quality Inspection --> Inspection Lot Creation --> Maintain Inspection Lot Origins and Assign Inspection Types

4. Define Default Values for Inspection Type

IMG Path Quality Management --> Quality Inspection --> Inspection Lot Creation --> Define Default Values for Inspection Type

5. Define Stock Types

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Master Data --> Product --> Define Stock Types

6. Define Storage Type

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Master Data --> Define Storage Type


7. Define Process-Oriented Storage Control (Storage Process Definition)

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Cross-Process Settings --> Warehouse Task --> Define Process-Oriented Storage Control

8. Define Warehouse Process Type

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Cross-Process Settings --> Warehouse Task --> Define Warehouse Process Type

9. Define Control Indicators for Determining Warehouse Process Type

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Cross-Process Settings --> Warehouse Task --> Define Control Indicators for Determining Warehouse Process Type

10. Determine Warehouse Process Type

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Cross-Process Settings --> Warehouse Task --> Determine Warehouse Process Type

  1. Generate Activity Area from Storage Type
IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Master Data --> Activity Areas --> Generate Activity Area from Storage Type

12. Define Sort Sequence for Activity Area

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Master Data --> Activity Areas --> Define Sort Sequence for Activity Area

13. Define Storage Section

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Master Data --> Define Storage Section

14. Define Process-Oriented Storage Control

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Cross-Process Settings --> Warehouse Task --> Define Process-Oriented Storage Control


15. Define Storage Type Search Sequence for Putaway

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management  --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Goods Receipt Process --> Strategies --> Storage Type Search --> Define Storage Type Search Sequence for Putaway


16. Assign Storage Types to Storage Type Search Sequence

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management  --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Goods Receipt Process --> Strategies --> Storage Type Search --> Assign Storage Types to Storage Type Search Sequence


17. Specify Storage Type Search Sequence for Putaway

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management  --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Goods Receipt Process --> Strategies --> Storage Type Search --> Specify Storage Type Search Sequence for Putaway

18. Maintain Storage Section Search Sequence

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management  --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Goods Receipt Process --> Strategies --> Storage Section Search --> Maintain Storage Section Search Sequence

19. Warehouse-Dependent Activation of Inspection Object Type

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Cross Process Settings --> Quality Management--> Basics-->Warehouse-Dependent Activation of Inspection Object Type

IMG Path Quality Management --> Quality Inspection --> Inspection Lot Completion --> Define Inventory Postings

20. Edit Selected Sets for Usage Decision

IMG Path Quality Management --> Quality Inspection --> Inspection Lot Completion --> Edit Selected Sets for Usage Decision

21. Maintain Settings at Plant Level

IMG Path Quality Management --> Basic Settings --> Maintain Settings at Plant Level

22. Define Follow-Up Actions

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> Quality Management --> Quality Inspection --> Inspection Lot Completion --> Define Follow-Up Actions

23. Maintain Follow-Up Actions

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Cross Process Settings --> Quality Management -->  Result-->Maintain Follow-Up Actions

Other QM settings: Maintain Settings at Plant Level

Maintain Inspection Types

Maintain Inspection Lot Origins and Assign Inspection Types

Define Quality Score Procedure

Edit Code Groups and Codes for Usage Decisions

Decision codes

Edit Selected Sets for Usage Decisions

24. Specify Work Center Layout

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management  --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Master Data --> Work Center --> Specify Work Center Layout

25. Define Work Center

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management  --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Master Data --> Work Center --> Define Work Center

26. Assign Default Work Center for Inspections

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management  --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Cross-Process Settings --> Quality Management --> Result --> Assign Default Work Center for Inspections

27. Generate Inspection Object Types Version

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Cross Process Settings --> Quality Management--> Basics-->Generate Inspection Object Types Version
  1. On the Generate Inspection Object Types Version screen, select the line IOT 4.


  1. Press the button “Generate New Version”.


  1. Confirm the Pop-Up by pressing Enter.

28. Maintain Inspection Object Types Version

IMG Path SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Cross Process Settings --> Quality Management--> Basics--> Maintain Inspection Object Types Version

29. Inspection Rule

Transaction Code /SCWM/QRSETUP
Path Logistics-->SCM Extended Warehouse Management-->Extended Warehouse Management-->Master Data-->Quality Management-->Maintain Inspection Rule

30. Create Warehouse Product

In this step the products (the actual products as well as the packaging materials) which are used in the business processes are initially created as EWM warehouse products.

SAP Menu Logistics → SCM Extended Warehouse Management → Extended Warehouse Management → Master Data → Product → Maintain Warehouse Product
Transaction Code /SCWM/MAT1

On the Display/Change/Create Warehouse Product screen

31. Inspection Plan

Transaction Code QP01
Path Logistics-->Quality Management-->Quality Planning--> Inspection Planning--> Inspection Plan-->Create

32. Create Storage Bin

Transaction Code /SCWM/LS01
Path Logistics --> SCM Extended Warehouse Management --> Extended Warehouse Management --> Master Data --> Storage Bin --> Create Storage Bin

33. Define Master Data Attributes for Work Center

Transaction Code /SCWM/TWORKST
Path Logistics-->SCM Extended Warehouse Management-->Extended Warehouse Management-->Master Data--> Work Center --> Define Master Data Attributes

34. Maintain packaging specification

Maintain packing requirements for product.

35. Transaction data:  Now we will the inbound flow for EWM-QM in S.4hana 1709 system.

Create Inbound Delivery.

Check PRDI for IBD and packing information.

Create warehouse task for the IBD.

Now go /SCWM/MON and check if the open unload task is available for confirmation.

Confirm in the background. GR will also be posted.

We can also observe the stock category and inspection lot

We can also check the inspection lot details in QA32/QA02.

Once unloading task is confirmed we can observe the Quality task got opened.  Confirm it to start the inspection process.

We can observe the GR posted.

After confirming the 2nd warehouse task final putaway task is still showing in waiting.  It will be opened when the inspection process is completed.

So stock is still in Q4 status.

Check QA32 for inspection lots created for this material and initiate the usage decision for it.

Here once we give the UD code as accepted, click on EWM inspection to check the details.

Another screen gets opened(/SCWM/QINSP_S4), here select the line item and click on Close HU and Save.

Once fllowup action given, close the HU.

We can also see the open warehouse tasks which are pending for usage decision in /SCWM/QINSP_S4.

Now refresh the MON and see if the waiting task is open

Here we can observe Posting change happened to Q4 TO F2. Final task opened with Stock status F2.

Confirm the warehouse task

Final dashboard of monitor

Inspection Lot details can be seen in QALS table.

Check MMBE

We can see the material document created for stock change(PCN-321) and the goods receipt posting 101 movement also can be observed.



Some time back when one of my client asked to show demo in S/4system about QM inspection process, I struggled a lot to build the end to end flow and not found much information in any website.

Considering that in mind, I want to share the process I built for my client.  This may not be the only process we can build but, using this as a reference you can build more complex scenarios based on your client’s requirement.



Hari Krishna Yerramsetti


-----------End of Document -------------

6 years ago

Thank you For share this document

6 years ago

Dear Ayhan,

Is there any settings in material master data ?  Inspection type 17 should be assigned ?  

5 years ago


Have you tried to work with IOT 3 in 1709 and upper versions?

System does not allow you to generate this IOT, perhaps which is not necessary.

But under warehouse dependent inspection type set up, you are not able to choose origin of set up as "from material master" or "from inspection rule".

It stays as "Not relevant".

It is possible to create material inspection with Advanced return management however no inspection lot is getting created.




Can you help me to how is the form to uploading mass inspection rule in the /N/SCWM/QRSETUP , i need to upload more than 3000 records that need use inspection rule of quality...

Do you know layout of mass uploading and program...?


Francisco Trevino G.

5 years ago

It is really a great document and a wonderful helping attitude.


Thanks a lot!!

jyothi selected the reply #20 as the answer for this post — 3 years ago
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