Monday, 17 July 2023
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All the new features to be introduced have already been included in S/4HANA YARD LOGISTICS 2021 - Support Package 03. It would be recommended to have this SP installed instead of installing notes one by one, especially since some notes are too complex to be installed.

Same Level Container Stacking

SAP Note: 3325118

A new feature for container stacking.

Prior to this feature, only one container is allowed on each level, now multiple containers can be stacked on one level which improves the utilization of available stacking locations

Please take care of the following restrictions:

    • Only 20ft and 40ft containers supported
    • Only top-level container can be moved
    • Need to switch on the option in customizing SPRO -> Yard Logistics -> Master Data -> Setting Up the Yard -> Yard Structure -> Define Stacking Storage Bin Types


Pendel Moves

SAP Note: 3315523

A new feature allows activating and confirming Yard Task, even if preceding Yard Task is still in process which allows early Yard Task handling for occupied locations.

Movement Yard Task of truck 1 is in process, the movement will take time when the destination is far away from the source location.

With the new feature, Yard Task of truck 2 can be activated and confirmed even if the movement of truck 1 is still in process.

Please take care of the following restrictions:

    • Cancellation and rejection of preceding Yard Task prohibited
    • For Yard Task confirmation, need to implement BADI to change/enhance capacity consumption
    • Need to switch on the option in customizing SPRO -> Yard Logistics -> Master Data -> Setting Up the Yard -> Yard Structure -> Define Storage Type



Enable UI Adaptation For Fiori Apps

SAP Notes: 318988031938483203716 and 3196693

A new feature is introduced to enable UI adaptation for apps:

    • Self-Check in
    • Yard Task Execution
    • Adhoc YT
    • Berth Planning

In addition, a new field “License Plate” is available to show on Yard Task execution app.

With UI adaptation at runtime (RTA), key users can adapt the UI of UI5 apps in the SAP Fiori launchpad to fit the tasks and processes at their company – intuitively and without having to create new code, at runtime of the apps. The key user is the user who has been assigned the authorization role SAP_UI_FLEX_KEY_USER.

RTA has been enabled for UI5 apps: Self Check-In, Yard Task Execution, Ad hoc Yard Task and Berth Planning in SAP Yard Logistics 2009 for SAP S/4HANA and SAP Yard Logistics 2021 for SAP S/4HANA. The Berth Planning app is available in SAP Yard Logistics 2021 for SAP S/4HANA only.

Possibility to change the UI

    • Change positions of Yard Task elements
    • Rename fields
    • Add additional fields
    • Remove fields



Enable Description Change For Yard Task List

SAP Note: 3247038 and 3246970

A new feature is introduced to enhance the description of Yard Task on the left Yard Task List area, for example adding source bin and destination bin into description.

BAdI is provided to custom the description. The customizing path of BAdI implementation:

SPRO->Yard Logistics->Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) for Yard Logistics->Yard Tasks->BAdI: Yard Task Execution App Enhancements


Automatic Refresh For Yard Task Execution In Manual Selection Mode

SAP Note: 3285245

SAP Yard Logistics provides a Fiori application for Yard Task execution with two selection modes, Queue and Manual selection modes.

In the previous versions, only the Queue selection mode supports automatically refresh on available Yard Task List.

This function is now extended to the Manual selection mode, which means both the Queue and the Manual selection of Yard Task Execution application support automatically refresh on available Yard Task List.


New Alert Types 2815 & 2816 Are Available For Yard Task

SAP Note: 3317759

SAP Yard Logistics provides different Alert Types to raise alerts in the case of time deviations for a yard using Alert Monitor. The time deviation could relate to one of the following business objects of the yard:

    • Yard request
    • Yard order
    • Yard task
    • Transportation unit

Now two new Alert Types are delivered to customer for yard task execution:

    • 2815: Start of Yard Task delayed
    • 2816: Completion of Yard Task delayed

The threshold of these two scenarios can be customized by customer as needed.

Caution: need to schedule a background report for alert creation.



YO cancellation

SAP Note: 3269539

A new feature that enables cancellation of Yard Order, it allows to cancel a Yard Order before the execution of yard processes.

After Cancellation the Yard Order can only be viewed but cannot be edited anymore.

There are restrictions for Cancellation:

    • Not allowed to cancel if there are both YR and opposite YO exist
    • Not allowed to cancel if there are DAS or LBN document exist
    • No reverting for cancellation
    • Not allowed to cancel if there are open YTs exist
    • After cancellation, the YTs in YO will be cancelled as well
    • If only opposite YO exists before, after cancellation the link between the cancelled YO and the opposite YO will be removed

The customer can also redefine their own checks and actions in BAdI. The customizing path of BAdI implementation: SPRO -> Yard Logistics -> Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) for Yard Logistics -> Yard Request and Yard Order -> BAdI: Yard Order Cancellation


Cancellation on Yard Order Overview



Cancellation on Yard Order Page




SAP Note: 3343964

The new solution enables the device integrating to YL via API.

Either for TU measurement of fuel, temperature etc. or TU entering/exiting a geofence, sensor data can be sent to YL directly via gateway services.

Meanwhile, YL can proactively pull TU measurement from sensor via a report, in this case a BADI is provided to connect to middleware/sensor and pull data.



Fiori Apps Reference Library

All SAP Yard Logistics UI5/Fiori Apps have been added to the library.


    • The SAP Fiori apps reference library enables you to explore, plan, and implement SAP Fiori apps
    • Provide a comprehensive overview of all SAP Fiori apps available today
    • Have all key information for each app, including the technical data you need for installation and configuration at hand
    • Increased speed of implementation for the Fiori Apps and related topics



Quick Sizer

Quick Sizer is a web-based tool designed to make the sizing of SAP Applications easier and faster. It has been developed by SAP in close cooperation with all platform partners and is free of cost.

With Quick Sizer you can translate business requirements into technical requirements. Simply fill in the online questionnaire, an up-to-date survey that is based on business-oriented figures. The results you obtain can help you select an economically balanced system that matches your company's business goals. This is especially useful for initial budget planning.

SAP Yard Logistics is now available on Quick Sizer with a simplified process, customers can create a project where can answer the questionnaire and get a calculation result.



Deactivation Of Outbound YO Even Though Confirmed YT Exists

SAP Note: 3100226

This is a new feature to allow reversing activation of an Outbound Yard Order with confirmed Yard Tasks exist when there is no subsystem related Yard Tasks exist.

When TU is linked to a subsystem, for example an SAP EWM system, reversion is still not allowed because once TU has been moved to the door, it is not possible to reverse check in of EWM TU.


Door Determination Logic Adjustment

SAP Note: 3280705

In the SAP EWM and SAP Yard Logistics integration scenario, originally, the door will be determined during Yard Order check in. If no door has been assigned to the TU in SAP EWM before this point of time, the determination will be failed and a failed entry will be added into the outbound queue (SMQ1), customers need to execute this entry again later, this is inconvenient.

With this adjustment, in case the door has not been assigned before Yard Order check in, although the door determination fails, no failed entry will be created, and the destination bin of the yard task will keep as empty. Now when activating the YT, the system will try to determine the door again, only when the door is determined then the activation will be successful.


Thanks to author Nancy An

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