The purpose of this article to understand INBOUND POSC and how does it work in EWM. In this blog post I will discuss the configuration and master data settings in EWM for one of the Inbound process consisting of multi-step movements.
1.1 Define Process Oriented Storage Control:
PATH: Spro—Img—SCM EWM—EWM—Cross process setting—Warehouse Task—Define Process Oriented storage control
Here we can use Standard External steps also (IB01, IB02, IB03)
1.2 Define Storage Process:
1.3 Define Process Oriented Storage Control:
PATH: Spro—IMG—SCM EWM—EWM—Cross process setting—Warehouse Task—Define Process oriented storage control1.4 Define Warehouse Process Type:
PATH: Spro—IMG—SCM EWM—EWM—Cross process setting—Warehouse Task—Define Warehouse Process Type
1.5 Define Control Indicator for Determining Warehouse Process Type:
PATH: Spro—IMG—SCM EWM—EWM—Cross process setting—Warehouse Task—Define Control Indicator for Determining Warehouse Process type.
1.6 Determining Warehouse Process Type:
PATH: Spro—IMG—SCM EWM—EWM—Cross process setting—Warehouse Task—Determine Warehouse Process Type
1.7 Define Storage type for Work center:
PATH: Spro—SCM EWM—EWM—Master Data—Define Storage Type
1.8 Define Work center:
PATH: Spro—SCM EWM—EWM—Master Data—Work Center—Define Work Center
1.9 Create Storage Bin for Work center:
PATH: Sap Easy Access—EWM—Master Data—Storage Bin—Create Storage Bin
2.0 Define Master Data Attributes for Work center:
PATH: Sap Easy Access—EWM—Master Data—Work center—Define Master Data Attributes
3.1 Create Inbound Delivery:
Transaction: VL31N
3.2 Maintain Inbound Delivery:
Transaction: /N/SCWM/PRDI
3.2 Check Monitor for WT details:
Transaction: /N/SCWM/MON
3.3 Deconsolidation at Work Center:
Transaction: /N/SCWM/DCONS
NOTE: It is possible to change Qty of open WT, system will create a new WT for QTY. Once executed, product will be packed in new HU (Destination HU).
The above process explains how a Simple Inbound POSC with Re-pack/deconsolidation would work and how to repack materials.
I hope this post would be helpful for everyone.
Thanks to author Aurobinda Ray